I think my hate for Apple started with their Quick Time video player which got bundled with most Audio CDs including video content.
Apart from being forced to install their software I found Quick Time was far from quick which didn't make sense since mpeg-1 files played fine.
Then there's the iPod, iPhone, iPad, overpriced branded rubbish for people with money, I'm so glad I own an iRiver MP3 player
Richard S.
I love the iphone and ipod. I've had every kind of cell phone imaginable over the last 15 plus years and none touch the iphone for awesomeness. It has a few shortcomings for sure, but overall, the experience is super. Never had a mac though, and to be honest, i love my pc. Does everything i want, no issues, and windows is a great system imho.
I've been telling people for years that Apple systems weren't immune they were just not targeted. This, however, is not above what I'd expect from Apple. I am not surprised. Not to hate on Apple though, I don't like them as a company but I do own their stock hehe.
I think my hate for Apple started with their Quick Time video player which got bundled with most Audio CDs including video content.
Those weren't audio CDs they were CD EXTRA/Enhanced CDs.
Then there's the iPod, iPhone, iPad, overpriced branded rubbish for people with money, I'm so glad I own an iRiver MP3 player
The only thing that has kept me from getting an iPod is the iTunes software which I can't stand. I thought about getting a rival brands portable media player with a 160 GB HDD but thought for the same money I could get a netbook or bargain priced laptop, haven't gotten any of it yet though.
The only CD EXTRA I ever had was King Crimsons'...I forget the name (Space Vector?) but it has Space Groove 2 on it which I love. (The rest stinks.) The "extra" was video stuff.
I can't stand QuickTime, but unfortunately I need iTunes in order to download certain podcasts. And yes, I can't stand the iTunes app either. All this junk I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole right at my fingertips. Blechh!
Never really understood why people want to spend more money for less functionality.
I don't pay a cent for it.
I've been using a brand new Mac for the last couple of weeks, and couldn't wait to get back home to my Windows machine.
Not for me I'm afraid.
Do they still ship new Macs with one button mice??
Richard S.
I think so. I still see "Command click" for Mac users on gaming sites.
Sometimes I wish Microsoft hadn't saved Apple...although they were kinda forced to do so.
Apple has been doing stuff like that for years - antennagate, water detectors in iPhones, yellow things behind the glass in iMacs, etc. - and yet people still buy their products.
I spend a lot of time in a TV Studio (due to school and work) and the producer was speaking to an Apple fanboy (who admittedly has some problems) about how we are getting a new swtcher (video switcher) and the fanboy exclaimed "a top of the line switcher!" (it's not) So I told him it was an apple switchboard and it only has one button
This model is about ~$20,000 but 5 years ago it was ~$70,000, so it's a pretty good deal!
I've been using a brand new Mac for the last couple of weeks, and couldn't wait to get back home to my Windows machine.
Not for me I'm afraid.
Thought I felt a disturbance in the force a couple of weeks ago.
What a shocker.
Thought I felt a disturbance in the force a couple of weeks ago.
What a shocker.
Very related. Here's looking at you, fanboys
I bet there are a few Microsoft haters who are probably thinking just how lucky they are not owning a Mac.
Richard S.
Seems to me that neither microsoft nor apple put much energy into virus control. They could, they have the money and they know their operating systems better than anybody. Wonder why they don't?