I've tested and confirmed this bug on a clean install of Firefox. The option "Saved Form Information" is causing CCleaner to delete saved passwords in Firefox.
Windows Vista Ultimate SP1
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.9
CCleaner 2.19.900
I've tested and confirmed this bug on a clean install of Firefox. The option "Saved Form Information" is causing CCleaner to delete saved passwords in Firefox.
Windows Vista Ultimate SP1
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.9
CCleaner 2.19.900
I have encountered this problem as well. Lost all my saved passwords. Each time I run CCleaner [2.19.900] all saved passwords are erased.
i have the same problem in 2.19.900 -.-
the option from firefox "Saved Form Information" deled all my passwords (signons2 & signons3 file) :/
for my plasure i have a backup from my profil files but another people dont have^^
Windows XP Pro SP3 32bit
Firefox 3.0.10
CCleaner 2.19.900
EDIT: i tested on my other pc -> im runing some tests and every time ccleaner deled it...
I'm having the same problem on all my pc's here, I noticed it to late so on all my pc's the passwords are gone.
My systems divering from WIn Vista too XP, and using ccleaner 2.19.900.
Hi, same diagnosis
pb is on "the option from firefox "Saved Form Information""
Vista, FF3.0.10 & CCleaner 2.19.900
Do you have "saved form information" checked or un-checked????????
"saved form information" checked
always had all FF options checked before, but since 2.19.900, passwords are wiped
i want form infos to be cleaned and no link to pwds to my mind
Well........there you have it. If it's checked, it's Gone!
I can confirm same "bug" in in 2.19.900 on windows xp home 32bit
With "Saved form information" option checked, CC delete "signons3.txt" file in my firefox profile directory. That's where password are saved.
Last version did not do so.
Maybe they should add another option "Delete saved password", so we can delete form information BUT NOT password.
Except this bug, great work Piriform!
I have the exact same issue. All my saved passwords are gone.
I always had "Saved Form Information" checked and while it deleted the stuff I typed into forms, it never deleted the passwords I specifically told FireFox to remember. Forms history and saved passwords in Firefox are two separate things so I agree with a previous comment that - at the very least - this should be two separate options in CCleaner.
Windows Vista Ultimate SP1
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.9
CCleaner 2.19.900
I also lost all my password in Firefox using latest version of CCleaner...
I changed Nothing in the option but when I upgraded CCleaner to the latest version.....
I also lost all my password in Firefox using latest version of CCleaner...I changed Nothing in the option but when I upgraded CCleaner to the latest version.....
Same here...
This can hardly be blamed on the user, I've always had that option checked. The latest version of CCleaner is the only one to have wiped out my passwords.
Well........there you have it. If it's checked, it's Gone!
Even "acooldozen" says "there you have it and if it's checked, it's gone!"
My point is why previous CCleaner didn't delete Saved password "signons3.txt" file and why now???
I appreciate Piriform telling me that they changed (or add) a meaning of one option "Saved Form Information" much before...
Even "acooldozen" says "there you have it and if it's checked, it's gone!"
My point is why previous CCleaner didn't delete Saved password "signons3.txt" file and why now???
I appreciate Piriform telling me that they changed (or add) a meaning of one option "Saved Form Information" much before...
I am replying to all,I never had this checked because a few years ago it wiped out my passwords.The point is to wipe out "all" saved form info.Passwords are that.I never check this option.I use Firefox's own "clear private data" for this,it does a fine job and never clears out the passwords unless you check it.Ccleaner is a great tool.I thought it always did this,I'm glad I didn't have it checked.
I had the same problem, and didn't appreciate having to spend half a day reinstalling saved passwords (many of which the websites involved required to be changed!). By having "Saved Form Information" checked, CCleaner completely removed "signons3.txt" in the Firefox Profiles folder, which is where all the saved passwords are kept. I'm currently rebuilding it.
I now have CCleaner set to not clean-up anything in Firefox. It's really not a necessary feature, anyway, as Firefox does its own cleaning when closing down.
I don't know how Piriform works. Why hasn't a Piriform software engineer indicated to us that they intend to FIX this "bug"?
Guys, please note.
I don't think this is just a CCleaner issue.
I installed Firefox v3.0.10 yesterday, and without running CCleaner, I was unable to log in to any of my sites automatically.
I re-entered all my details again at 5 different places, made sure I wasn't clearing cookies within Firefox itself, and then closed it down.
Once again, without running CCleaner, I went back online and all my login details were gone again.
I binned Firefox completely, as it's either an unsecure old version, or a very problematic latest "secure" one. There are problems all over the internet at the moment with Firefox.
So bear a thought for CCleaners developers as the browser developers are moving the goalposts constantly, and it's one hell of a job keeping up with them.
Just out of interest, I have no problems with Opera.
Guys, please note.
I don't think this is just a CCleaner issue.
I installed Firefox v3.0.10 yesterday, and without running CCleaner, I was unable to log in to any of my sites automatically.
I re-entered all my details again at 5 different places, made sure I wasn't clearing cookies within Firefox itself, and then closed it down.
Once again, without running CCleaner, I went back online and all my login details were gone again.
I binned Firefox completely, as it's either an unsecure old version, or a very problematic latest "secure" one. There are problems all over the internet at the moment with Firefox.
So bear a thought for CCleaners developers as the browser developers are moving the goalposts constantly, and it's one hell of a job keeping up with them.
Just out of interest, I have no problems with Opera.
Hi DennisD,
If you see carefully the logs what CCleaner 2.19.900 cleaned with the option "Saved Form Information",
"signons3.txt" file is in the log as deleted.
CLEANING COMPLETE - (2.472 secs)
15.85KB removed.
Details of files deleted
C:\Users\<LOGIN-NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<xxxxxx99.default>\signons3.txt 11.85KB
C:\Users\<LOGIN-NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<xxxxxx99.default>\formhistory.sqlite 4.00KB
So... I guess this is CCleaner2.19.900 issue...
I'm still running Firefox 2 and can confirm that the latest release of CCleaner (2.19.900) is also deleting the equivalent password file in Firefox 2, signons2.txt when "Saved Form Information" is ticked in addition to formhistory.dat (the old Firefox 2 equivalent of formhistory.sqlite). I've just reinstalled CCleaner 2.18.878 and only the formhistory.dat file is wiped with the signons2.txt file remaining untouched.
Guys, please note.
I don't think this is just a CCleaner issue.
I installed Firefox v3.0.10 yesterday, and without running CCleaner, I was unable to log in to any of my sites automatically.
I re-entered all my details again at 5 different places, made sure I wasn't clearing cookies within Firefox itself, and then closed it down.
Once again, without running CCleaner, I went back online and all my login details were gone again.
I binned Firefox completely, as it's either an unsecure old version, or a very problematic latest "secure" one. There are problems all over the internet at the moment with Firefox.
So bear a thought for CCleaners developers as the browser developers are moving the goalposts constantly, and it's one hell of a job keeping up with them.
Just out of interest, I have no problems with Opera.
+1 on the Opera. I tossed FF a few versions ago. No problems what so ever with Opera. IE8 seems a tad faster, but I'm keeping Opera as my default browser and version 10 looks to be better.