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Posts posted by EEK

  1. Yes, I've restarted the machine several times since I first noticed this issue.
    Yes, I know what CFA is, as well as what Windows Security is, and how they function.
    Yes, I'm running Windows Security; as far as Windows Security is concerned, the machine is virus and malware free.
    No, it's not another app masquerading as CCleaner64.exe. 
    Yes, CCleaner was uninstalled, computer restarted, and reinstalled, 

    The app has not been launched or loaded, has no services running, and has all auto features (updates, notifications, smart check, etc.) turned off.
    But CCleaner is clearly running some process since CCleaner64.exe is being detected by CFA. 


  2. That link doesn't answer or resolve the bug.

    Please READ my original message. I'm not trying to clean my Cookies. Just navigating to Options > Cookies, triggers an attempt to clear the Cookies. Why would navigating through to Options > Cookies trigger an attempt to clear Cookies? Then, additional alert messages are provided, but can't be closed or escaped, short of ending the task in the Task Manager. 

  3. Yes, I reviewed that post's 3rd section on Controlled Folder Access, but I think the point I'm trying to make may be misunderstood. 

    The fact is: Windows Security is detecting CCleaner64.exe attempting to make changes to memory. This is not a false positive in the context you mentioned, as it is certainly and specifically detecting CCleaner64.exe ,. So, why would CCleaner64.exe make this attempt, when the app is not running, has no services running, and has all auto features (updates, notifications, smart check) turned off?

    In this case, CCleaner should not be making this attempt and should not be detected by Windows Security at all, for any reason, since the app is not running, has no services running, and has all auto features (updates, notifications, smart check) turned off?

  4. Hello! Last week, I upgraded to CCleaner Free v5.92.9652 (64-bit). Since then, after turning on my computer, Windows Security will report "Unauthorized changes blocked - Controlled folder access blocked C:\Progr...\CCleaner64.exe from making changes to memory." 

    This seems very strange to me, since I've DISABLED all Check for Updates, Notifications, Launch on StartUp, and Smart Check features in CCleaner; and there are no CCleaner related services running. So, why would CCleaner64.exe attempt to make changes to memory when I've DISABLED all settings, and have not launched the app?


    2022-05-02 07_40_58-why does cccleaner connect to internet - Google Search.png

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