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Ed Martin

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Posts posted by Ed Martin

  1. I am a long time user of CCleaner Pro.  While I am told not to worry about the amount of cookies and garbage the quickly accumulates in my computer, even while it sits there inactively, I am not willing to ignore the immediate build up of perhaps 4000MB of trash.  When I run CCleaner it will in the first instance find some of this trash.  I delete ("Make it Better") and start over and it will continue to find more--much more, which I continue to delete.  Usually, I must run CCleaner up to about 6 times before it no longer finds trackers, trash, etc.  This is true even though I now run only Firefox and DuckDuckGo in an effort to solve this problem.  I have deleted Google from the computer in hopes of stopping this load of unwanted trash.

    I have always thought that CCleaner was a good product and I have paid for the Pro service thinking it would do the best job.  Can anyone tell me based on their own experience of some other "cleaner" and/or "barrier" that will actually do the job?  I would be most appreciative.  Thanks.  Ed

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