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  1. I am confused - You think it is weird I provided information on what my drive is? You, in a prior post, said my drive had to be a SSD due to the screen shot from Defraggler. I provided a combined screenshot of system info and an Amazon page. You would have preferred looking up the HD model # yourself to be satisfied it is an HDD and not an SSD? Huh, and here I thought I was being thorough and providing all the info I can for those trying to help me. But thanks for the links to what seems to be consensus that Piriform is not updating the program. Good timing because they want me to renew. Thank you for that. Shows up there as HDD as well.
  2. Thank you for the further info I am very confused by where else Win 10 would store this info (tell me where to check if it matters) that could be different from the Win 10 drive optimization program pulls it. Also - if Defraggler does not pull its data from the same place as the Win 10 drive optimization program - that would be very weird to me. But I ran that "winsat formal" anyways - no idea what it did as no idea where to see the results but...I shut down Defraggler and started it again and voila - it still thinks it is a SSD. Win 10 still thinks it is a HDD. I will probably run the "file only defrag" so thank you for that info If I run the "Defrag freespace" is that going to be another 30 odd hours of Defraggling again. Will the File only defrag be a 30 hour defrag again as well? And if the answer is "no" - what are you basing that answer on? What is different this time? Thanks again
  3. Thank you Before running the "winsat formal", I decided to see what Win 10 saw...it sees a HDD (see attached). So it is a Defraggler problem. So far, looks like I lost 30GB of space (fixing 50GB of fragmented files) for some random Defraggler reasons and years off of the life of the HDD. Defraggler thinks I have over 80GB of Fragmented files - presumably the original 50 + the new 30 but who knows. Pictorially my drive looks bad (but you tell me) with a whole lot of "low occupancy fragmented files". And yes, I am using the most recent version of Defraggler v 2.22.995 What would you do next?
  4. Thank you hazelnut for the info and links I guess the DF*.bin files are trash Maybe that is part of my problem - Defraggler thinks I have an SSD and I am pretty darn sure it is not lol but tell me if I am out to lunch - again
  5. Hi Thank you very much for all of that information. I had read another of your posts (I believe the one you linked to) prior to posting my question - and yes, I did assume that Defraggler was "just" going to de-fragment...the button I have is just called "Optimize" so I blindly clicked on that assuming the program knew best. I was wrong. Too used to loving CCleaner. My HDD at the start of the "Optimize" was 200GB - most of that the original load of things a couple of years ago. I wish I had the screen shot but most of the little boxes below the 3rd level were white/clear aka "empty". I am at a total loss of how Defraggler adds over 377GB of data to my drive. Like I hope I mentioned originally Defraggler itself was identifying only 50GB needing work/"Fragmented Files". I say all that to ensure you still think OK to "File only Defrag" Towards that..I include a pic of a just one screen of the list of files now on my HDD - there are a lot more of them than just that screen. Next step a File Defrag or delete all these DF*.bin files?
  6. I should not have written that before breakfast - major details wrong After running Defraggler 571GB used space with 400GB of fragmented files Even worse...
  7. Hi, I guess I am an idiot for not doing more research. Defraggler did not do what I expected so...any suggestions on fixing the mess that has resulted from using this program. Background Laptop with a 1TB HDD, was at 700GB so I off loaded 500GB and decided after all updates etc to run Defraggler. It "analyzed" 200GB in use with 50GB of files 25% "Fragmentation" So I ran Defraggler - it ran for over 24 hours with a couple stoppages but that is a whole other story and not important (I hope) - other than a waste of HDD 'usage' but 'in for a penny, in for a pound' so I kept it going Now, I have a HDD filled to 406.5GB with 70% Fragmentation How do I repair/fix this mess of a HDD now? (No, there was no warning not to use the program on a non-SSD drive. Yes, there was a warning it might temporarily use some extra space to do the job) Thank you for any suggestions.
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