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Posts posted by andrestg

  1. Hey folks, 

    I have an internal 4tb HDD (97% full)(Model: wdc wd40efrx-68wt0n0) that seems to be dying. I can't access files on it as it shows "The Request Failed Due to a Fatal Device Hardware Error." 
    I'd like to get the data off the drive as it is important to me (Photos, Videos, Docs). I'm not really knowledgeable on all this but after brief searching online have done the following:

    On Command Prompt (Admin), ran WMIC DISKDRIVE GET STATUS and it returned a few Oks and a Pred Fail (which i assume is the drive in question). Then ran CHKDSK F: /f /r /x and it stated "The type of the file system is RAW." Though i dont know why then in Disk Management it shows it as a healthy NTFS drive.  So i downloaded Recuva which only shows "Unable to determine file system type" when trying to scan the drive. 

    Anyone have any ideas on possible next steps?
    Additional Info: Windows 10 Home
    I am able to see the drive in File Explorer and the folder structures, but can't open any of the actual files.
    I do also have now an empty 4tb external drive to move the files there.




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