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Posts posted by irwin

  1. On 29/10/2021 at 06:34, nukecad said:

    Google translate (as translated):

    "u am also having the same problem.

    Good night,

    I am not able to recover my files that were on my 1 terabyte hard drive. ADATA brand model HD710MP 1T.

    Accidentally running the "Windows 11 installer" tool, I left my 1TB hard drive selected and run the program. My HD was bootable with Windowns 11 and all the files that were on that HD are gone.

    I tried to recover by buying recuva's professional license but it finds some files, totaling 128mb of consumption, and I had a consumption of almost 700 GB on this HD.

    I went through the recovery process which took 56 hours and yet he couldn't find my files.

    I would like to know if the RECOVA program will be able to recover this total of data."

    Pudiste solucionar el problema?


  2. Con las versiones pasadas todo se recuperaba, pero ahora después de recuperar los archivos no abren aún teniendo las extensiones que le corresponden. creo que Recuva al recuperar modifica en algo los archivos. He intentado abrir los archivos de Word con (abrir y recuperar) y otros métodos, pero no he podido lograrlo. Estoy seguro que los archivos no están sobrescritos en ningún clauster. La solución a seguir es hacer consulta a soporte técnico.


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