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Posts posted by coykoicourtney

  1. Everything was working fine until the big May (in July?) update for Windows. Now that I've got it, CCleaner Professional (V5.69.7865  64-bit) is having trouble connecting to the internet. The Security box in Health Check is "unable to reach server" and tools such as Software Updater informs me that I'm offline, which is odd because every other function on my PC that requires an internet connection is working just fine. And I've seen that people had this issue with older versions before the 2004 update, yet they were told it's "simply an incorrect message" and will be "fixed in a future update." That's a weird way of saying "We don't know what the problem is and we don't want to admit that our program that you paid for isn't working properly." How can one be told "Oh, it works, trust us! You just can't see it" and be expected to believe it? When will the functions that we pay for actually work? Just a bit frustrated over here.

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