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Posts posted by NancyNew

  1. I downloaded/installed 5.4 just few minutes ago. Was attempting to get but it still does not open. When the blue box prompt comes up to allow changes to computer, when yes is clicked I get  error starting program “CCleaner requires Windows 7 or later” I have Windows 10. Now what should I do? I have spent most of afternoon and now evening with issues trying?  I also rechecked Trend micro and updated just now. Still not working. Please help me

  2. Same problem. Downloaded and installed several times. Each time I Tried uninstalling/ reinstalling multiple times of cc cleaner free and  now pro including paid pro. But same thing happens when try to open program -Clicking on icon or in programs is “ unresponsive “ other than the blue box requesting permission to access computer. Give yes response on blue box and nothing happens. Also tried running as administrator and same thing. Help please.  I have trend micro av for several years now and used cc cleaner successfully daily. 

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