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Posts posted by TobWen

  1. Hi there,


    since I used CrapCleaner/CCleaner for the first time, there was an annoying bug:

    It doesn't remove any files in %temp%



    I'm in German Windows XP SP2.

    My current account is the administrator account (bad, I know, but I am an advanced user).


    %temp% is

    C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp


    in short form:




    CCleaner doesn't detect files in there and doesn't remove them :-(

    Of course, the checkbox is activated.


    Currently, I'm running a batch-file to remove my temp-files:


    rmdir /S /Q %temp%



    It's a simple bug ... can you fix it please?


    Best regards,


  2. Hi there,


    currently, CCleaner only removes the files of the current user, doesn't it?

    I mean, for example %temp% is the temp-directory of the current active user.


    I would be happy about a administrator-version, which removes the temp-files of all users on a computer!

    That would save much time ...


    Best regards,


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