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Posts posted by katherine2018

  1. Hi.  I am running ccleaner on a number of computers for staff who are keeping their computers to wipe the free space.  I had suggested just reloading the operating system but that was not an option.

    First 2 computers I did, it took 4 hours.

    The computer I am working on now is W10 and NTFS file system and has 620 GB.

    When I ran it yesterday, it would do one pass and then it would do a second pass.

    For this computer I am working on now, it's still on its first pass.  I started it 2 hours ago and it is only at 29%.  It has estimated time 3 hours but the time keeps increasing.

    Should I cancel it?  Is there something to look for as to why it's running so slow.  I don't see any other programs running in the background.   Also, what is the ramification of cancelling it.  It is not yet filling up the hard drive.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    All my best,


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