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Posts posted by rickn

  1. Thank you for your reply. 

    That's what I thought as well.

    The drive was accidently quick formatted while I was creating a bootable usb flash drive. 

    I am going to try one more option, I have a program that will allow me to unformat a drive. I really don't think that option will work but it's worth a try.  

    This drive is just one or many backup drives I have on the network. (10), so I should be able to recover 90 percent of the missing data, however I was hoping this option would work so I would have to work getting them. :)  


  2. Recuva makes it to here and does not progress any further.  The drive is flashing very fast.  This is my 3rd attempt after a week of trial and error. If I stop the scan, it will stop however very few of the files are usable. The one that are ( a couple of mp3 files) are not indexed correctly. The song title isn't what's being played, it's some random compilation of songs that are usually an hour or more long. 

    Does this mean I don't ever have a chance of recovering these files intact.  All the ones that I try to recover, show the right size etc, but when I open them, they are not recognized as a valid , mp3, txt, xls, iso, exe, zip, rar etc. 


    If you look at the picture and see the file name, that program works great for showing the recovered files and the file structure is much more accurate, however it doesn't recover as many files and they don't work either. 

    BTW I did register the program. 

    It seems hopeless at this point. 




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