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Posts posted by jrmwalsh

  1. I have Defraggler version 2.22.995 64-bit.

    When Defraggler is defragmenting it shows the path and name of the files it is working on. Or at least I assume that the names of the files that flash past near the bottom left corner of the Defraggler screen when it is defragmenting are the files it is currently working on.

    When it is defragmenting C: and down to the last 50-100 files I see that it often refers to the folder C:\Windows\Servicing\LCU\... but when I look at the File List tab there are no files listed in that folder. What is going on? Why is it referring to a folder and files that are not in the list of files that need to be defragmentd? There are no folders in the Settings > Options > Exclude list.




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