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Posts posted by Bcarson

  1. Thanks for the help.  I went to Filehippo and got the installation file for v5.26.5937 as you suggested, but when I ran it it wouldn't install. It just gave me a brief hour glass then quit, hmmmm.

    Anyway, I had found a July 2014 web page that mentioned the latest CCleaner version was capable of cleaning cache2 in Firefox, so I went back in the archive at Filehippo and grabbed v4.16 and installed it.  It also installed the Google Chrome browser, which I didn't ask for. But, v4.16 did run on my SP2 PC, and it finds the Firefox cache2 entries like I wanted it to.

    Is it me, or is that Filehippo site very slow? Are there other CCleaner archive sites?

  2. This is probably more likely a problem with my operating system, Windows XP, SP2, than CCleaner.  I just installed the latest version 5.4 over an older version, 3.01, which was working fine. But when I try to start the new version I get the following error message: "The procedure entry point GetLogicalProcessorInformation could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll".  I suspect this is because it was expecting the SP3 KERNEL32.dll?

    Since I am about to retire this PC in the near future, I don't want to install service pack 3 to find out if it will solve the problem (I am not even sure if pack 3 is still available).  So, I would appreciate any suggestions on how I might get version 5.4 to work on SP2.  I have yet to uninstall and reinstall v5.4 to see if it was a bad installation.

    As a side note, the reason I wanted to upgrade CCleaner was because I read where the newer versions are capable of cleaning out Firefox cache2 entries which are now filling up my hard drive with gigabytes of content that I can't seem to get rid of by telling Firefox to clean out my cache.

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