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Posts posted by FButtons

  1. Love ccleaner for PC. Easy to use and does a great job. Android not so much. I've been a software developer for 43 years and I cannot figure out what its doing or trying to do. So please someone from Piriform explain what is happening when I press "analyze" and then "continue" under the cache. I hit continue and I see continuous scrolling below where it stops for a second says CCleaner then ON. What the f... does that mean?? My screen usually goes blank during this process and when I reactivate it seems to start all over again. I've never seen it end this scrolling thingie! What is going on?? Lastly, the software says the cache is cleaned immediately following a message saying that the cache has the exact same size that it just supposedly cleaned that can be cleaned! Huh!! Very confused! Please explain what your UI is doing or direct me somewhere that explains what it is doing or attempting to do!

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