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Posts posted by Aeroguy

  1. Like many, I have come to trust C Cleaner to keep my PC clean and tidy. No doubt, like me, most people also have numerous passwords, user names and PIN numbers, of which some may be very sensitive, financially or personally. If, you have these in a printable file, which is updated from time to time, then - even if that file is not kept on the PC and stored safely elsewhere, it has to be accessed to update and then deleted to the re-cycle bin and then 'Permanently Deleted', when the Bin is emptied.

    Not so! Having done this file update myself, quite recently and deleted the file, after printing, I wondered if Recuva  could still recover it - no problem whatsoever - quite concerning really as anyone who stole or hacked the PC, (maybe whilst you are on vacation), could run a file recovery program and print off your entire Password list. What fun they could have emptying your bank account, running you into massive debt, using or cancelling all your credit cards, car insurance etc., etc., the list goes on - thus generally destroying your entire life.

    Perhaps this potential nightmare should be better publicized in this digital age. From now on, I intend to carry out a 'Disc - Free Space Wipe' with CC, after having any sensitive document on my PC, even though it takes several hours to run and complete. 

      If anyone can suggest a simpler approach to dealing with the problem, or feels I am wrong in my assumptions, I would value your comments. Maybe if I just open the file from the storage media, update and print it, then close it  after saving to the storage media - perhaps it would not be recoverable from the HDD. Trouble is, I need to use burning software to save the updated file safely for future updates - any suggestions? 

    Thanks from a retired guy trying to keep up with today's technology and guard against increasing cyber crime and online scams. 

  2. Hi Nuke cad

    I offer this quote from the Lake District National Park web site:

    "Windermere in the Lake District - ten and a half miles long and 219 feet deep - is England's largest LAKE. Its name comes from the Scandinavian for 'lake of a man called Vinandr' ".

    So they seem to think it is a lake and don't agree with your name derivation either.

    You may also be interested in the derivation of your own unusual pen name - Nuke comes from the Nordic word for 'Born on a Council Estate', and Cad comes from the Anglo Saxon for 'Boring'.

    Bye the way, these facts are also not correct, but would make for amusing pub quiz questions. 

    We are now getting away from the purpose of this excellent forum, so we had better end on this note.

    Kind regards - hope this gives you a laugh and no offence meant.

  3. Somerset, to be more precise, but used to live in Blackpool - used to water ski on lake Windermere, Cumbria, many years ago, (small world - even smaller when help with this topic arrives from Brisbane, Australia - very impressive).

    I don't seem to have the Controlled folder access option, I assume that is because I had to roll back from 1709, but your comments noted, thanks, for when MS get it better sorted - will give it another try in a month or two, but check online first for bug fixes.

  4. Thanks for your comment. After reading the VSS discussion, it sounds like it could easily be the cause of the fragmentation increase. However, now it is resolved, I will leave well alone for a while.

    I am retired and no longer a power user, so with regular full backups to a separate internal HDD, including shadow disk copies, I feel I am covered for most major issues - even HDD failure. 

    What a brilliant discussion group - thanks for all the help.

  5. Lucky you if 1709 works on your laptop - just look online at all the issues others are having. I had too many issues to list - so just did roll back.

    Just out of interest - I did the update on my 32 bit PC and it failed - (3 GB download). Ran the update repair tool then updated again - (another 3 GB as it doesn't retain the earlier download).

    Did the same on my wife's 64 bit PC - same problem, but at 4 GB a time on 64 bit.

    We have to use mobile broadband in our rural location due to sub 1 MB/sec speed on landline and no fiber. This is capped at 40 GB per month, so very upset that MS cost me well over 25% of my monthly download allowance in just one day by pushing an update that is full of bugs and can't be used till they sort it out!  If I exceed my 40 GB limit, it's £10 per GB thereafter - OUCH that hurts!

    If it ain't broke - don't fix it.

  6. Hi Nukecad

    Delighted to get such a quick and well informed reply to my post. I used no advanced options with Defraggler.  I only used the two basic options, Quick defrag or full defrag and let it do its own thing.
    On checking back over my post, I got one thing the wrong way round - the PC snail pace resulted from the Microsoft Update 1709 - after roll-back to previous update, the PC speed was normal. I simply did the clean-up and defrag to tidy things up after undoing the massive, bug laden, Microsoft update. I even had to run the Microsoft update repair tool before 1709 would install successfully on either of our PC's.

    The only thing I did change before using the Microsoft Optimizer, was to allow Windows to manage the Page File size, which was previously set to 3 GB, (I think).  I don't know if this would effect either defrag program, but the page file did occupy a very large number of sectors to begin with and now just 18.

    Thanks for pointing out the algorithm differences between different defragmentors - (didn't know about that). I am not a power user, so will probably stick with Windows Optimizer in the future,  but without Defraggler, I would not have known about the Page File issue, as Microsoft no longer show a drive map with their defrag tool.

    I have used CCleaner for years  and it's great - well worth the cost of upgrade from the free version. Not so sure about Defraggler, but will keep an open mind.

    Thanks again

  7. I carried out the latest Windows 10 fall creators update 1709 on my PC and encountered numerous issues, just like many other people. So I rolled back to my earlier version of Windows 10, for the time being, as it was problem free. Hopefully Microsoft will sort out all the bugs one day.
    The PC was also operating at a snails pace, after the roll back, so I did a C Cleaner clean up and then ran Defraggler, as I had not de-fragmented for some time, (several months), Defraggler reported 9851 Fragmented files, 33815 Fragments and 23% fragmented.
    After a Quick Defrag, I was left with 7412 fragmented files, 27417 fragments and the same 23% fragmented state. Rather confused by this and after running chkdsk.exe/f/r from command prompt, which reported no errors, I decided to run a full defrag with Defraggler, which took about 12 hours.
    At the end of this, re-analysis reported 5663 fragmented files, 21,954 fragments and 53% fragmented???? However, the drive map looked much tidier.
    I then ran the Windows 10 disk optimizer, which initially reported the drive was 26% fragmented, but after all the defrag multiple passes and re-allocating, reported just 1% fragmented - a fully acceptable level of fragmentation.
    Finally, I re-ran Defraggler analyser to check on the Windows 10 Optimizer result and the figures now reported by Defraggler were 115 fragmented files, 446 fragments and 12% fragmented drive?????
    I did not carry out any further de-fragmenting and the PC is now running fine again. 
    Can anyone throw any light on this very odd sequence of events, as Defraggler does not seem to be performing correctly and the built-in Optimizer in Windows 10 seems to do the job far better?
    At this point, it would be hard to recommend Defraggler to anyone.
    Has anyone else reported similar issues?  

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