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Posts posted by nytiger73

  1. Hello Everyone - 


    I've been using Speccy for quite some time.  I like to use it to monitor my system temps and other items.  I recently re-installed Windows with the Fall Creators Update.  Generally, when there is a major update for Windows, I like to do a full re-install.


    Previously, when I had it running it would launch to the tray without an issue.  I disable the UAC prompt as I found it annoying to have that popping up every time I turned my computer on. 


    After I reloaded Windows, one of the first items I installed was Speccy.  Whenever my computer turns on, even though I have the correct options checked, Speccy launches in it's normal window.  I have checked and re-checked my settings and as far as I know everything is setup correctly, and as near as I can tell, there have been no recent updates to Speccy that would have introduced a bug that would affect how this feature works.


    Has anyone had this issue, and if so, do you have any tips on how to fix it? I am currently running Speccy version 1.31.732


    Thank you!

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