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Posts posted by DARK_ANGEL_HACK

  1. Welcome! :)


    Please Read




    A large ini such as this one can cause a slower startup for ccleaner (far more noticeable on older/slower machines) and users may wish to manually remove entries they do not need from the file if they feel this lag time is too great.


    Please bear in mind that these entries are NOT endorsed or supported in any way by the developers of CCleaner, and should be considered "beta."


    That being said, they can (though we do our best to prevent this) cause issues with various programs or your system as a whole.


    Piriform is not responsible for any damages done to your computer, and I also ask that if you encounter an error/problem with an entry here, you post it in this thread to keep winapp2.ini related issues centralized.




    Thank you




    Link to download Winapp2.ini



    Direct Download



    Enjoy! smile.gif





    To create a custom winapp2.ini file that only holds entries relevant to your computer, Alan_B has kindly created a batch file that will do this for you.


    It requires that you save your ccleaner settings to an ini file (this option is found in settings - advanced)


    Simply download this file and place it in your CCleaner directory, then double click it and let it do its job. It will backup the old winapp2.ini and create a new one. This file will load much more quickly than the full file, and yield the same results!


    Click here for Alan's original help file for Trim.bat


    Click here for LaunchCC.bat






    How to make your own Winapp2.ini entry! (And if you do, feel free to post it here smile.gif )




    Preferred Format:










    *See bottom for information on Warning (it is optional)




    This is the name of your entry, usually followed by a * for formatting purposes. This is what will appear in the Applications list within CCleaner.




    This indicates where on the list of applications within CCleaner your entry will appear. Appropriate LangSecRef numbers are below.



    Section is the same idea, however it is user-defined. We currently use Section=Games for example in the main download, however it can be set to anything and a new category with that name will appear in the applications tab.




    These values are what CCleaner looks for to check if it should return true on an entry. Eg. DetectFile=%WinDir%\ will return true because this points to your windows directory.

    Environment Variables (below) are vastly preferred over direct paths (such as C:\*)


    Detect= points to a registry key

    DetectFile= points to a file or folder.

    Detect Paths:



    DetectFile paths





    It is preferred that Default be set to false because Default is the default setting of the tickbox (False=Unticked)

    This is to ensure no one has any boxes ticked that they didn't want ticked.




    The FileKeys and RegKeys are paths of items you'd like to delete. When pointing to these, you must list the path (using the environment variables above) then use the pipe symbol | and have the filenames/registry keys after






    If there is something the end user should know about an entry, such as it resetting play counts in a media player, high scores on a game, add a warning= followed by the message.

    Eg: Warning=This will delete all of your high scores.

    This is considered a courtesy to the end user in helping making them aware of what they're deleting.



    Remember, when posting, please test your entries before you post them, so you can be sure they don't harm the workings of the programs. Also try to post which operation system(s) you tested it with! smile.gif





    Hi, I want suggest for add to the registry clean the next keys


    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ACD Systems\ACD Photo Editor\31\Recent File List - where ACD Systems store the recently open files. 


    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Code Industry\Master PDF Editor\resent_files_history\ - where Master PDF Editor store the recently open files


    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Diamond Cut Productions\DC Forensics10\Recent File List - where DCForensics10 store the recently open files


    Delete Internet Download Manager incomplete or corrupted data



    Delete Internet Download Manager complete downloads


    Value: LocalFileName


    Value: LogFileName


    Value: LocalPath


    RPGVX Last Project


    Value: LastProjectName


    RPGVXAce Last Project


    Value: LastProjectName




    Value: File1-File99



    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ImpulseAdventure\JPEGsnoop\Recent File List


    All the files who used audio device (I found 332 useless keys)

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore\


    Windows 10 News App Cache



  2. Hi, I want suggest to add the registry clean task for the next keys


    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ACD Systems\ACD Photo Editor\31\Recent File List - where ACD Systems store the recently open files. 


    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Code Industry\Master PDF Editor\resent_files_history\ - where Master PDF Editor store the recently open files


    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Diamond Cut Productions\DC Forensics10\Recent File List - where DCForensics10 store the recently open files


    Delete Internet Download Manager incomplete or corrupted data



    Delete Internet Download Manager complete downloads


    Value: LocalFileName


    Value: LogFileName


    Value: LocalPath


    RPGVX Last Project


    Value: LastProjectName


    RPGVXAce Last Project


    Value: LastProjectName




    Value: File1-File99



    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ImpulseAdventure\JPEGsnoop\Recent File List


    All the files who used audio device (I found 332 useless keys)

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore\


    Windows 10 News App Cache



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