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Posts posted by allnmacd

  1. Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but here we go and I hope an Admin moves this if necessary.


    I have at least five licenses for CCleaner, another 3 (or more) for Defraggler and Recuva to cover my three machines plus those belonging to family members.  One of my laptops died a couple of weeks ago - not unexpected as the hard drive was making strange noises, but now I can't uninstall anything on it nor determine what the license numbers are for anything to deactivate.  It would be really good to have an account dashboard on the Piriform site where I can see the license info, tag or name the machines for reference, see renewal dates, etc., all in one place!  As it is, unless I run around to three houses and get the info on the licenses for each machine and cross reference them all to my order e-mails, I am toast and may end up paying to renew licenses I don't need anymore.  Surely there is a way to do this to allow users to have some control?  I tried doing that via paper way back at the beginning but of course the paper has long since disappeared.  Has anyone had the same issue with multiple licences/machines? Any suggestions for dealing with this issue?

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