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Posts posted by Sitekeeper

  1. Yes, Windows is now activated and I am good, but the 2 MS techies could not get it to reactive with my original key. They gave me a new key surprisingly. The errors were saying my Digital License was for Win 10 Pro, Please install Win 10 pro, that is the only OS that was installed. MS could not even get it to active manually by entering those long string of code. I use Malwarebytes + MS security & Practice Safe Hex, and well MS looked for any malware too so this was ruled out.


    Is it safe to upload the .reg file I saved from this that was mentioned above?


    I have experimented slightly with this issue and see no problems going back to a Windows backup from a few days before this happened. Windows was fine with old key and everything was ok. I installed the update (KB4032188) again and all was well. I did not run CCleaner though.  I did restore everything back to new key from a backup and will stay on that one. 



  2. The win 10 update 2017-07 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4032188) was on 8/32017, so says Win update. My updated are auto I just need to reboot after install. 


    I rebooted all was ok later I ran CCleaner {I did save backup} and I shut down the PC for the night. 


    The next day I got the not activated issue, it would not active online.  In chat online MS support MS asked to get in remotely, I agreed. After about 4 hours MS basically gave up and issued a new key. They tried to active it by entering their string of codes but it would not activate. From what I could read on the pop-up errors, it was telling them Win10 pro needed to be installed.  Windows 10 pro was the only OS ever installed. After the 3rd tech gave up the entered a new Key and gave it to me.


    I have to say the experience seemed strange, MS was clearly clueless. 




  3. Hi, I have been a long time user of CCleaner and there was a Windows 10 update 2017-07 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4032188).  Later after rebooting from the update I used CCleaner and went about things and shut off PC, and today Windows will not activate. 


    I did let CCleaner do the backup and there are only about a dozen of these in there:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    @="CategoryLicense Class"
    I did change some of the above numbers as I am not sure it is safe to post... If it is safe to upload the data let me know. 


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