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Desperate Recover

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Posts posted by Desperate Recover

  1. Hello Dennis and thanks again for your answer.


    I read http://www.tech-faq....vice-error.html , I changed the IDE channel transfer properties and it worked ! The disk data are accessible. This a great step.


    Nonetheless, when I started the back up of all the disk data, I realized that a lot of files are "corrupted" I get the following message:




    I could read those files before the "crash". Do you have any idea about this?


    Anyway, thanks a lot again for the help of the article in Tech-FAQ.

  2. Hello Denis and thank you for your answer.


    Yes indeed, I'm really desperate but it's fine. Worst things are happening than lost data.


    The reason for recovery was a faulty drive. Suddenly, out of nowhere, it was impossible to read it. But I didn't give up and I went on to plug it time to time and one day it "appeared" again on windows explorer as you can see on the picture attached.




    I'm running windows 7.


    You may see as well on the picture, following your questions, the info displayed and the letter, E, assigned to the drive by windows.


    I also attach a pix of my disk management.




    As you may see, the disk appears as Disk 3 but not initialized. When I launched the initialization process, it failed (message: "the request could not be performed...")


    I'm afraid to unplug the disk.


    These are all the info I can give right now. Thank you for your help and your time.

  3. Hello,


    I'll try to be as concise as possible. 

    I've already recovered 945 GB data from a 1.81 TB USB external drive that contains 1.38 TB of data. But after two days of recovery, the process was taking too long and after 3 weeks of recovery !!! the percentage of recovery data was 68 % and the estimated time was 10 days ! So I stopped the recovery process and I launched a new scan.

    And the result is this message: "Failed to scan the following drives: invalid drive size"

    How is it possible since I've already scanned this drive from which I recovered 945 GB data as mentioned.

    What should I do?

    Thank you for any help.

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