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Posts posted by BarFly

  1. Hello,


    as so many here, i'm in trouble.

    A while (3 months?) ago, i cleaned up my drives and deleted a folder where i stored my wifes old business stuff. Almost 10 years old and she is not working for that (university owned) company which not even exist anymore. Ok deleted and now guess what happens - she needs that files desperatly :-((((

    Ok i downloaded and started Recuva made a deep scan and this morning , when i startet recover - it shows me 4 files which definatly belong to the files i searched for.

    But - there comes a message with:

    'Can't recover 4 files -filename to long.' Do you want to save it to another folder (or drive)?

    Ok i tried to to save it into the root of a other nameless drive which would have been h:\, but still to long.

    Is there a chance to cut the filenames in Recuva, that i get this files recovered?

    And how do i do it?

    Thanks in Advance


    Ciao BarFly 

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