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Posts posted by Mist001

  1. It's all well and good having a back up but how do you restore the back up if you don't have a display?  Thing is,  this never happened in Windows 7 so it's a new thing which Microsoft are probably aware of and that's why people are having some difficulty with CC on Windows 10,  as per the sticky above.

  2. This has happened with CC 520 and is happening with CC 522.  If you have the software,  see if you can replicate this:

    1) Clean,  formatted hard drive.

    2) Install Windows 10 Home x86 (NOT x64)

    3) Install all Windows Updates

    4) Do a registry clean with CC and delete all the results.

    I've done it on three machines,  all running the same O/S and it seems to affect the display,  in that it goes blank!  Even a restart doesn't bring it back.  The only solution I've found is to reset the machines.  My guess is that it's bringing up some registry entry connected to the display,  but I've no idea what it is.  This happened on two machines running Windows 10 Home x86 English UK language and one machine with French language.  I haven't tried it on my x64 machine so I don't know what the result would be

    I've since removed CC from all the machines in case someone is tempted to run it which is a pity because I've used the program for years.  If you get the chance,  give it a try and see how you get on.


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