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Posts posted by CinciTech

  1. I have a 64GB Sandisk memory card, on which I had some .JPG and .M2TS images and videos that I accidentally deleted and would like to recover.  I have confirmed that at least the images are there and viewable via another recovery application (but the price was a bit much for my budget and I don't want to restore with watermarks).  Recuva doesn't find these files in a simple scan, but i believe the deep scan is finding these files.  Unfortunately the program crashes during stage 2 of the deep scan, around 67% as pictured in the screenshot.  I am given the option of sending crash details, which I did, but I've heard nothing back from any support.


    I am using Recuva on a Dell M6800 notebook, with Windows 7 SP1 64 bit operating system. I have 16GB of RAM and a core i7 2.40GHz CPU.  Recuva appears to use under 20k RAM while it runs, according to Task Manager, and around 5k when it has crashed and waits for me to submit the issue.





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