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Posts posted by Brainfreeze

  1. I should have added 'In Options/Advanced uncheck 'Only delete files in Windows Temp folders older than 24 hours', and 'Only delete files in Recycle Bin older than 24 hours'. Can you run the test again with these two unchecked?

    Not necessary. I'm running CCleaner always with those boxes unchecked.

  2. perhaps there are unknown limitations?








    maybe its time for the developers:


    --> add this unknown possible limitations or restrictions in the docs


    --> fix the bug



    Or - and that might be in my case - the user is to blame. I've been using CCleaner now for a while, but that problem never really occured, partially because I've never had larger files. But I've recently started converting my DVD-collection, and that produced quite a few larger ones. Occasionally some need to go (conversion issues), and now I've started losing hard drive space because CCleaner won't properly delete the larger files. So maybe, possibly, I'm the "bug" here. Who knows.

  3. I'm still confused. Has this file been sent to the recycler or is it in some other folder? I suspect the former but guessing isn't the best thing to do.


    Can you do a test? Copy the live 3 gb+ file to a new folder anywhere. Add this file to CC's include list. Set secure deletion to one pass. Right click on Cleaner/Advanced/Custom Files and Folders, select Clean. Then tell us what happens.

    Done. And nothing happens. Though the file is in the include list, it is not deleted. The file is marked for deletion when clicking analyzing, but CCleaner apparently does not delete it ("0 bytes deleted") that way. Deleting it the "regular" way (delete -> recycle bin -> then using CCleaner) produces the usual result: the file is deleted, but the space is not cleared.

  4. I'm confused. Does this file exist in a temporary folder or in an included folder, or has it already been deleted to the recycler and you're using CC to empty the recycler - how is it actually being deleted?


    Are you using normal file deletion? (i.e. non secure.)


    As far as I know CC only uses Windows interfaces to perform any action, so it will be NTFS that deletes the file.

    I'm as confused as you are. I am using secure file deletion. I delete the file and then use CC, which, as previously mentioned, works fine with smaller files, even if their combined size exceeds, say, 3 GB. It just doesn't work with larger single files.

  5. Close, but not close enough. If I've understood the thread correctly, his/her problem is that CCleaner does not delete the file. It remains where it is, and shows in the analyzer. My problem is that CCleaner actually deletes the file (it's no longer on the drive and doesn't show in the analyzer), but it still hogs the same space. Example: I've recently deleted a movie (file size: 3 GB) with CCleaner. CCleaner deleted the file very quickly (which shouldn't happen), but the 3 GB of space that should now be freed from the hard drive are still "occupied". The analyzer does not show the movie to be there anymore, and this happens with all larger files. It's not that huge a problem, but eventually I'll have to format the hard drive in order to get that space back, which is something I'm trying to avoid.

  6. just to state the obvious in case is was not understood, an emptied recycle bin does not mean it may still not be corrupted.

    can I suggest you follow the link provided by @Andavari if you haven't already done so, just to rule out that possibility.

    Already have, the problem persists. Besides, the odds of two corrupted recycle bins at the same time that otherwise worked fine seemed low to me.

  7. No, that's not it. The recycle bin is emptied, no problem there. Besides, CCleaner's "inability" to delete large files happens on both my PCs (1 laptop, 1 desktop computer). Weird enough, it happens only with large, single files. If I delete, say, 5 files with 500 MB each, CCleaner has no problems. It's only large single files which cause problems.

  8. It usually takes some time for CCleaner to clean files (depending on the settings). Yet when I try to delete larger files (>2 GB), CCleaner "deletes" it almost instantly. Unfortunately nothing is really deleted. The file seems to be gone, yet the space it occupied is still there (Example: I have 220 GB free hard drive space. I delete a 2 GB file. The file's gone, yet I still have only 220 GB of space, instead of 222). Is there something in the settings I've missed? I use Windows 7.

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