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Posts posted by Master0fPuppets

  1. Sooo... here I am a few years later, asking the same question. I've had no problems with my PC until (begrudgingly) upgrading to Windows 10. Now, Speccy tells me that my display settings - or should I say, 'state', is 'Unsafe'. Here's the C&P for your perusal:


    Name HP S2031 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750

    Current Resolution 1600x900 pixels
    Work Resolution 1600x870 pixels
    State Enabled, Primary, Unsafe
    Monitor Width 1600
    Monitor Height 900
    Monitor BPP 32 bits per pixel
    Monitor Frequency 60 Hz
    Device \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
    My 'default' setting for this monitor, as per Windows, is 1600x900, I have no idea what 'Work Resolution' means or comes from or whatever - and the fact that it says 1600x870 has me a bit unsettled. Is there anyone that could possibly have an idea what the 'unsafe' setting actually means? I've seen 4 total posts with the word 'unsafe' in them, and they're all the same spot, same everything - monitor settings, but not a single person from the 'Speccy Peeps' have ever commented on any of these posts. I'm hoping - nay, praying, that I'll get some kind of official response here, if not for me, than for the collective 'us' that have been trying to find out what 'Unsafe' means in Speccy for 6 years now... anyone? someone? Bueller?
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