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  1. Like Wickerberry, I too have CCleaner Pro (1.11.336) getting stuck on deleting my Chrome Download History. My daughter took my MacBook Pro (7.1. running OS X 10.11.3) to a study session at Starbucks and used their WiFi. I really don't know if that has anything to do with it, but when she got it back, the problem was there. Previously I hit the upper CCleaner icon that lets me just run it. It goes through its paces in seconds and gives me a green field to show it's complete. Now it takes forever, the field remains yellow and the program discontinues before the cleaning cycle is done. If I open CCleaner and run it manually, it also takes a long time and a lot of stuff is left (it used to show 1 to 4 mb of junk, now it can be hundreds). I'm an old PC guy, so I have Sentinel Pro antivirus and Adware (just in case...). I ran the programs and found no bugs. After reading this thread, I also went through Chrome/profiles to no avail. ???
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