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Jean-Pierre Bloch

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Posts posted by Jean-Pierre Bloch

  1. Hi,


    I have CCleaner free version 5.09.5343.


    I tried to delete a line on the Windows start screen and got the error :

    "File launched at Windows start could not be deleted : file not found".


    Actually, the corresponding program has been uninstalled.

    The line is :

    Non HKCU:Run MyTomTomSA.exe  "C:\Program Files\MyTomTom 3\MyTomTomSA.exe"


    How can I delete this line (other than using regedit) ?

    Thanks for your help.




  2. Hi,

    I hope that I will use the correct terms in English because my version is french (5.09.5243).

    I am using CCleaner free for years now and it is a very useful tool.

    Never had any problem with it.


    However, each time I open the Windows start-up screen and try to select an "active" line among dozens of other line, buttons on the right won't activate !!

    I have to try to select any line a couple of times (normal or greyed line) before buttons will activate.

    Could not find any logic in that, although I am an IT professional.


    I have had this problem for years now :-)

    Thought somebody else would report it ...

    Or am I the only one to have this problem ?

    NB : I am Windows 10 now, 7 before.


    Can you help ?

    Thanks in advance.

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