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Posts posted by Blarney77

  1. I was also using Speccy to check PSU voltages while the system was up and running,  I replaced my PSU because of the readings, and not just from SPeccy but also from CPUID Hardware Monitor just to check and it had the same readings.  BUT, when checking the power supply with a separate voltage tester, they are all good.   This is the reported info from Speccy:


    Manufacturer              Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd.
    Model                         GA-990FXA-UD3 Ultra-CF (CPU 1)
    Version                       x.x
    Chipset Vendor          AMD
    Chipset Model           RD9x0
    Chipset Revision        02
    Southbridge Vendor   AMD
    Southbridge Model     SB910/950
    Southbridge Revision 40
    System Temperature  27 °C
    Brand                          American Megatrends Inc.
    Version                       F1
    Date                           4/11/2016
    CPU CORE                        1.428 V
    +3.3V                                 1.992 V
    +5V                                     3.387 V
    +12V                                   8.064 V
    -12V                                   -8.928 V
    -5V                                     -8.928 V
    +5V HIGH THRESHOLD    2.782 V
    CMOS BATTERY               1.500 V
    Now, I have confirmed that the PSU is operating properly and that these readings are incorrect!
    Is there something different about my motherboard?   The other computers in the house all show up correctly when I run Speccy on them, but not on THIS system.   This is kinda weird.  So, any thoughts guys?
  2.        Maybe I'm missing a setting somewhere, but is there a way now, or can it be added, to have more than ONE bar graph displayed at the same time?  I want to be able to check both CPU and GPU temps over a period of time.  Sometimes Motherboard and others at the same time for check on heat problems.  

           Over the last few months I have been dealing more and more often with laptops particularly that are overheating.   Seems more often people put their laptops on their laps ON a blanket or something that is feeding lots of lint and dust and stuff into the air intakes and of course it piles up on the heat sink and everything begin heating up since the air cant get through.   But I have run into systems too that just plain get hot for other reasons.  It would be REALLY helpful to be able to have a chart running for two or three sensors at a time.


            Maybe this is not a big deal for some, and maybe this has been covered, but I didnt see it looking back a ways so.. here it is!




  3. I have installed Win10 numerous times as part of the Insider program and for other reasons, but EVERY TIME it removes Speccy as software that is not compatible and will not run... BUT.. it IS Compatible and DOES run quite well!  So why is Microsoft saying it isn't??


    I have posted several feedback articles about that with MS and they STILL remove it!  Heck, is that even LEGAL?   To remove software from MY computer as if they should be the final arbiter of what I should be running!


        I'm a tech, I build, optimize, everything but program computers.  I have never seen any other OS do this before, and never with Windows 7 or earlier. (I rarely install 8 because it's that bad)  But Microsoft is infuriating me with this garbage that they should remove something THEY don't like!   Even my ANTI-VIRUS checks with me first before deleting!!   


        I LOVE Speccy and use it often in diagnosing problems, I will always reinstall it when they remove it.  BUT, can we do something to stop this?




    ADDITION! 7-5-16:   Just upgraded today to build 14379.rs1_release.160627-1607 and guess what?  Speccy is still uninstalled.  Ya know, it;s just Microsloth, they take forever to do ANYTHING!   While they complain about good programs like Speccy, they still include BAD programs like Edge, Groove, etc.!  I have been complaining about the SAME PROBLEMS with Groove for over a YEAR!  Still they can't get it fixed.  While I mostly love Windows 10 Pro, their other apps are terrible.  They have quite the nerve to complain about Piriform's software when they cant make their own work.  ;-)  


     Meanwhile..... Where is Speccy for LINUX!??!    :-)

  4. TWO things.... Windows 10 Pro reports Speccy as not working properly so it's uninstalled when I upgrade.  I do Insider builds and it happened again installing Windows 10 Pro Build 10525.  Previously it was the original 10 Pro install that did the same thing.


    ALSO, when I DID install it again under the original install, it misreported the CPU temp as over 110 degrees C!!  I KNOW that is not correct, but the other temp reading software also wont even load under 10.  I would LOVE to have Speccy up and running for Windows 10 as I do a lot of hardware work for others and they are upgrading.  I use Speccy for a lot of diagnostic info on systems I log into and can't physically look at.   


    The other features of the program seemed to work correctly so I don't know why Microsoft uninstalled it, but it DID run and other than the CPU temp it was reading everything normally.


    I LOVE using your software and so far Ccleaner and Defraggler seem to work just fine.  If you need anything else from me to troubleshoot please let me know.


    <<<<<  UPDATE  >>>>>  After reinstalling Speccy under the new Insider Build 10525, the temp is now reporting CORRECTLY!  All else seems to be working fine.  Windows STILL reports this as not functioning properly, but it looks like that is no longer true.  TEMP IS GOOD!




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