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Posts posted by j0hnny.

  1. You can change a Windows setting that will tell you when you last accessed CCleaner it's called "Date Accessed" in WinXP, not sure what it would be called in a newer version.


    Here's a general search for it, should cover different versions of Windows:



    Yes that will display when i open CCleaner, but what if i just open the CClenaer but not run any Cleaning or Registry analysis and cleaning ? Or let just say change the startup programs on CCleaner ? The Windows Explorer will display Date Accessed on CCleaner but not if I ran Cleaner or Registry. My point was to display date and time of last successfully performed action on the application of the selected tab  (Cleaner or Registry).

  2. Hello everyone,


    I created this account to share my suggestion to hopefuly add to CCleaner. 

    First of all in my opinion, CCleaner is the best application for running the cleaning process for PC.

    When i use the application i ran for 2-3 week to clean all my computer for junk files or registry, but sometimes i forgot when was the last run of cleaning process. My suggestion is to add date and time of last run cleaning files, and last run of clening registry when i go to Cleaner or Registry.

    Its not that big improvements to application, but reminder when was the last cleaning.

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