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Posts posted by laurentparis

  1. Like others, I only created an account to say how much I hate the new UI. Please, Piriform, don't follow this hideous flat trend.


    Insults aside, one argument in favor of the apparently much-hated flat style of today is that it's "calmer" and easier on the eyes. I've always felt fancy 3D effects, glass, etc to make my desktop look very busy and stressful, while the flat style is less intrusive. Secondly, the flat style reminds me of pictograms, the point of which is to be simple to understand, universal and obvious.


    Going too far with 3D effects and transparency is one thing but a completely flat style (i.e. removing shadows and gradients like Windows 8 did) means you need stark color contrasts and huge borders (as well as huge fonts in the Settings interface) to make things out, to know what's clickable or what's on top. I don't see how that, added to the extra-sharp edges and corners, make Windows 8 "calmer" or "easier on the eyes".


    And flat pictograms aren't by nature any "more simple to understand, universal and obvious" than other icons. They're just commonly used and accepted stylized forms, which has nothing to do with flatness. If you're not familiar with some of them, the lack of shadows and gradients is actually one less tool to convey what they're supposed to represent.


    Things like buttons and windows should always be rendered according to the host OS, not with some custom style. People using Win7 then get their glossy stuff and people with Win8 get their flat style. Everyone happy and less work for the devs. [...] If Piriform hadn't gone down the path of using custom UI skins, none of us would be here. They should just stick to standards and let the OS draw the UI as per its own settings, then everyone gets what they want.


    This at least I can agree with. I didn't spend all this time reskinning Windows 8 (preinstalled on my laptop) with 3rd party themes and tools to be be stuck with this ugly UI anyway.

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