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Posts posted by bascaves

  1. Hello,


    Before CC version 5 life was fine.  With CC V5 and using my old and great Goscreen Virtual Desktop manager is causes an issue that when I start CC with full screen it has a display offset.  I have this issue both if I put the virtual desktop bar on the TOP or Left.  CC cleaner windows makes exact an offset of the window size of the virtual desktop bar to the bottom or right. WIth this Offset the CC windows is outside the display area. :-(


    I read similiar reports with the WIndows bar and hidding i.e. the taskbar.


    A comment the Piriform Team:

    Overall I do not find the new CCleaner V5 an improvement. I have a bit older desktop and it is clear that CCleaner takes more resources to run. It seems a trend to have a so called stylish and modern looking program.  But mostly it causes bigger instablity or even not working of a previous great program.  KISS, keep It Stupid Simple, please. Do not dress up the program.


    People get more busy updating and troubleshooting the programs/apps on their laptop, desktop, tablet and smartphone then actually using it. Please do not follow this trend.

    With most great programs that start as shareware/freeware from the garage. As soon the smell of money is tasted the program goes into 'Pro' mode, Things actually go down the drain. The intent of an original sleek, mean and simple tool using minimal resources is replaced with shareholder value.  I do believe that a programmer should earn its money, there is not wrong getting a decent pay for the effort and time invested. So please keep to the principals or the intent that was there in the beginning and you have a prosper future :-)




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