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Posts posted by alice2

  1. Welcome to all 3 of you. :)

    Try right clicking the CCleaner icon and choosing to run as administrator. Let me know if that fixes it.


    Also there is a beta version of CCleaner 2 which is supposed to be a little more compatible with vista, so its worth giving that a shot. http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/




    Massbeat CCleaner doesn't have anything to do with the google toolbar. It does however include the option to install the yahoo toolbar during installation only. (if you dont want the toolbar just uncheck it)


    If thats not what you mean please explain and I'll do my best to help. :)



    Thank you. I have been right clicking CCleaner since I installed CCleaner on this 10 day old HP notebook. Still, that (Issue) "Open With List" keeps appearing.

  2. Thank you.

    The reason I asked was that after the KB890830 (Malicious Tool...) was downloaded, my son ran the "notepad %windir%\debug\mrt.log" and no infection found. He then did a CCleaner scan/clean.

    When I later saw he downloaded the KB890830, I also ran the "notepad %windir%\debug\mrt.log" thinking I would see the scan results, however I was told there was no mrt.log (probably because it was erased by the CCleaner scan/clean.

    I then went in and ran the mrt.exe and then typed in the "notepad %windir%\debug\mrt.log" and this time I also saw no infections found, but also a few of these:


    ->Scan ERROR: resource process://pid:1456 (code 0x0000054F (1359))

    ->Scan ERROR: resource process://pid:208 (code 0x0000054F (1359))


    Would anyone know why these items showed-up mrt.log AFTER the CCleaner deleted the original mrt.log?

  3. Thanks again.


    I understood the second message (I have looked into it, and it appears to be a coding problem. It will get fixed.)

    But could not understand the first message (Hi Hoov, In Ccleaner/Issues if you uncheck the ActiveX and Class issues line , you will not get the icon error msg. Hope this clue helps.).


    Are you just waiting to see if ZA fixes it?





  4. im pretty sure it is a bug in ZA, many people get this problem and ZA said it would get fixed in the update.

    i too had this problem but no worries. it simply re-creats itself after its deleted. ill let you know if ZA ever fixes it :D



    TheFiresInTheSky... Thank you very much. That is what I thought - that it was a ZA 'problem.' It is just a bit confusing when it shows up as an "ISSUE" exception every few weeks.

    I would appreciate it if you would let us know when this is fixed.


  5. We just ran CCleaner tonight and again got the following in "issues:"


    "ISSUES Problem: Invalid Default Icon Data: C;|Program Files\ZoneAlarm\UpdClient.exe,-279 Registry Key: HKCR\ZAMailSafe\DefaultIcon"


    We originally experienced this same "Issue" report back on 7/30/06 and we were using ver 6.5.731.000 of ZA Free, I believe. We were told that this 'bug' would be corrected in next update of ZA Free. We now have ZA ver 6.5.737.000, and as I stated above, I received this same exception in the CCleaner (ver 1.33.382) "issues" tonight.


    Can someone explain please, as it is quite confusing to us? Is it a 'bug' in CCleaner or in ZA Free?


    Thanks, Alice...

  6. welcome to CC alice :)

    what it basically does is uninstall the previous version then installs the one that you downloaded.

    if you had slim then downloaded basic, it would uninstall slim and install basic.

    it does this with all versions.

    the cool thing is, you still keep all of your settings B)



    Thank you for your answer.

    Our (elderly) neighbor has CCleaner on her fairly old notebook (Win98) and she told us her version was the Standard version. I told her she could download the latest Slim version of CCleaner and it would delete the previous version (Standard) she had on her notebook and install the new Slim version. She did that and told me that she now sees the ver 1.33.382 in the upper left of the screen when she opens CCleaner.

    However, she said when she goes to Windows Explorer and then to Programs and holds the cursor over the CCleaner folder, she notices the size as 1.31MB. Would that be correct? We notice the sizes of the versions are: Standard = 1459KB; Basic = 595KB and Slim = 440KB. Shouldn't she see a size of about 440KB when cursor is over the CCleaner folder?

    She also notices that the CCleaner.exe file in that folder is 572KB and dated 9/15/06.

    She is trying hard to conserve space on her 'old' notebook.

    Can you, or someone else, explain so I can tell her?

    (Is there anyway to make sure she has the SLIM version?)

    Thank you.


  7. We notice on CCleaner site, that it states this new version will overwrite previous versions.

    #1- Does that apply to all builds? If we had slim, and we clicked on the download for Slim version, would this also overwrite our previous Slim version?

    #2- If we had a Standard or Basic, and we now chose to download Slim, would this download of the Slim version overwrite th Standard or Basic version we currently had? Or would we have to uninstall the Standard or Basic version in order to download the new Slim version?


    Please advise and thank you.



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