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Posts posted by byp

  1. Hello to all,


    again, sorry to be late with my answers, I'm back now in my office after spending more time than scheduled overseas.

    Thanks for all your suggestions and help.

    Finally after checking all sorts of possibilities, I ran a chek of all my pilots (with winzip pilots contoller) and there it was ! Everything is functionning correctly again.


    Nevertheless, I wonder if my settings withCCleaner are correct, and I am not too familiar with what should be selected or not.


    Her is an image of both my selections in the "windows" and "applications"-


    Could you please tell me what to select or deselect ?


    Once again thanks !



  2. good morning mta & Andavari,

    once again thanks for spending time with my little problem and, again, sorry  to be late in answering but i am currently working abroad far away from my PC.


    mtc, I will follow your recommendations and will let you know of the outcome.

    Andavari, the speakers are all OK, it was the first thing I checked.


    Please allow me a little time to get back to my PC. Have a nice day

  3. Hello Andavari,

    Thank you for your quick answer and my apologies for late answer, I was away a few days.


    I did not use  CC's registry cleaner, only the normal cleaner for windows & applications. Apparently I cannot find a backup.


    It seems that CC has wiped out "something", and I dont know what...

  4. Hello to all,


    using CC for many years without any problems.


    Last time I run CC just before closing my PC, as I always do.


    Next morning I noticeds that all my icons on the opening screen were gone off my desktop and that I had no sound at all.


    I got the icons back but I still could'nt find teh way to set the sound again.


    Any suggestions or solution to have the sound back ?


    Thank you for your help  -  byp

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