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Posts posted by Dugb

  1. I don't think that there's a limit on (current) disk size, but you are limited by your pc's resources. As far as I know Recuva does all it's processing in memory, and a 3tb disk can have a lot of stuff to process.


    If you're running a normal scan then ten hours indicates that a lot of processing is going off. You could try cancelling Recuva when you have completed Stage 1, this might help a little (I have never noticed any difference anyway). You will still get your full list of files found.


    Thank you for your suggestions, I'll try them, but my system resources are probably not the issue here.  My system is as follows;


    ASRock 890GM Pro3 R-2 Motherboard

    AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Processor (overclocked to 3800Mhz)

    16384 MBytes G.Skill RAM


    "But", I did observe my RAM at 82% during one of the failed attempts, (so who knows?)...  I will try your suggestion and attempt to stop my scan after stage 1 and see if it helps, and thanks for all of your assistance.

  2. Hello,


      I have a 3TB WD external that was accidentally formatted and I 've tried three times to run Recuva v1.51.1063 (64-bit) to no avail...  The first time it ran for about 10 hours and actually produced some results, I checked the boxes next to all of my media files and chose to "Recover Checked", but that's when it locked up the first time.  The second time it ran about 6 hours and just disappeared...  The third time it ran another ten hours and made it to stage three and locked up.  Windows gave me the opportunity to debug (which I did), and I have the results of that Debug available upon request.


      My copy of Recuva is the free version, which I would gladly buy if I was reassured that it would in fact work correctly, but as it stands all I have is the free version, could that be why it keeps failing, or is there a disk size limit?  As stated earlier, the disk that I am having trouble with this time is 3TB.  Recuva has always worked very well for me in the past, and this is very frustrating to say the least, but if the problem is that my version is the free version, I would gladly pay for a registered copy if somebody there could just tell me that this is why Recuva continues to fail in this instance.  Any and all assistance with this issue would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


    Thanks Again,


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