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  • Birthday 26/10/1954

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  1. How about this for a solution? Uninstall Comodo Ice Dragon. It is based on Firefox so that's why dual entries for extentions.
  2. Now it lists all enabled extentions just one of them twice. All plugins are listed twice each.
  3. I deleteted extentions.json Now only one of nine extensions enabled is listed in CCleaner Tools. It is not duplicated. The active plugins listed are correct, but it lists each of them twice.
  4. I don't think I have multiple builds of Firefox. How can I tell? I deleted extensions.sqlite there is no change. I have an extentions.json. Should I delete it too?
  5. Ok I've repaired C: drive but I don't think I need a System Restore. Firefox correctly lists active addons and extentions. CCleaner looks like the two screenshots I have attached. I guess I just don't need to refer to CCleaner I'll just look in Firefox Addons to see what is enabled.
  6. I can't use system restore, it says "Windows has detected file system corruption You must check the disk for errors before it can be restored." I have run disk check and still have the error mesage. That is another thing I am searching for a solution. I found json files for addons and extentions but I haven't tried anything with them, they are dated 02/20/2014. I have a Firefox backup but it is from December 26 so I guess I would loose a few bookmarks but nothing too important If that is the problem.
  7. It's v4.10.4570 What and where is a JSON file and what would I do to it to fix this problem?
  8. I had this happen in CCleaner. In Tools Startup Firefox, extentions and plugins are listed twice and all were listed as enabled. They are not all enabled. I disabled the duplicates but then I lost one extention and had to reinstall it.CCleaner is not in sync with the actual settings in Firefox. It seems useless to use this part of CCleaner. Does anyone know why this happens or if there is a fix? This a on Gateway LT40 Windows 7 Starter.
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