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Posts posted by Gysca

  1. exactly what happened to me yesterday. :) ...so it is really a MUST to somehow "delete" all data and recuva will recover them later.... a weird logic that I've been trying to tell my brain...


    my story: around 2 months ago, lost my C drive due to my kid turned off the laptop while it's updating nVidia driver. and yesterday the 16GB microsd that powers up my android phone suddenly won't get recognized, I can't get my phone's keyboard. I tried a recovery program, not sure what it's called (found it through google) something recover data? it found lots but it won't let me save (the prog documentation stated that it supposed to show an option everytime the SAVE button is pressed, but mine just greyed out for a while and come back).... so I tried RECUVA, works well on the lost C drive, but exact same scenario on the micro sd card. been pondering all night whether to QUICK FORMAT the sdcard or not, because of that weird logic of having to delete something that you want to save.... heheheh...


    and actually I have a question. RECUVA reads all the broken files and what not. but that's not what I want to save, as I have to pop the recovery CD and let it work to get the C drive to work again. I want all the "not damaged" files. do I need to format too?


    oh well... thanks!


    EDIT: just did a quick format.... and "no files are found" :o:blink: ...my TB backups!! *CRY CRY CRY*

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