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Posts posted by Ravenfield

  1. Hi.

    I've been using Piriform's utilities for a long while and are very happy with them.

    Well, the problem is that when i run the "defrag free space", which by the way is the first time in a long time, it takes forever to complete.

    Hardware information.

    I7-3820 clocked to 4.3 ghz and 16gb of ram. The HDD i'm trying to defrag is a velocity raptor 10000 rpm disk which is one of the quickest of the old mechanical hard drives. So speed should not be a problem.

    whenever i use the normal defrag mode it runs smoothly and very quick. i do this once every 2 weeks to keep the drive fragment free.


    The reason why i haven't defragged the free space before is because i forgot the option was there.


    But should it really take this long ? its been over 20 hours now ..and i've tried rerunning it some times without any luck.


    the only thing that changes when i rerun is the time it says it needs to complete.


    i know that defragging free space is supposed to take long. just not this long ?


    Anyone who's got similar issues or anything i can try or do to figure out if it's the software or my disk that is the problem ?




    Thanks in advance

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