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Posts posted by grifik

  1. Well, I would also like to see this happening since other cleaners include this function. At least add it but do not mark it as a default place to always clean, but an another option where to clean. Add a popup message that you should do it at your own risk etc. like some other options that already exist in CCleaner.  Also the possibility to clean all certain file types like *.log *.dmp etc. would be nice, which also can give you a lot of free space on your hard drive. I would love you even more if you could make it happen.

  2. Hi all,


    Sorry if it's already mentioned in this forum. I noticed that after uninstalling some programms, there are still some folders and files in AppData and other places left. For example, I uninstall firefox, but some folders still exist and I have to delete them manually. So it would be nice if CCleaner would analyze the system and find such unused files and folders and delete them :)

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