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Posts posted by alsubjacsg

  1. LOL(@ at your own risk) isn't always!!!. If you expect the next release to be out soon I would rather wait than to take a risk. would appreciate it if you could drop me a notification when that happens (alsubjacsg@yahoo.com). and thaks a million for you help and time.


    I believe my next release will address this issue completely, and you won't have to worry about anything. It would be interesting to see if it still happens if you promoted a limited user, though, but I must say you should try that only at your own risk. :)


    Thanks for being so understanding.


  2. Thanks for your replies folks, especikally for Djlizard, read through your roll back instructions. however do you think it would be easier if I unlimit all the limited accounts before I ran the dial a fix? (since it only sometimes affect the limited accounts)Then set limits for them again thereafter.

  3. HI ,

    I had the same issues appearing, so I followed advice on the forum and down loaded dial a fix, ran it, then scanned for issues, fixed the issues but i found that my wife's account and my son's account was no longer in the login page, but when i tried to create their accounts again I was prompted that the accounts already exists.

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