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Posts posted by Grantchstr

  1. I purchased a new 2TB Seagate External HD...transferred 1.2 GB of data from my computer (Vista) and from a smaller Seagate HD (which has peformed 100%); shortly afterwards started to get "corrupted file" messages when accessing files on the new HD.

    Windows "Properties" for the 2TB ExHD shows the usage on the new HD as 1.2 GB but only a only a small amout of data is available.

    The major problem is that my largest file [ containing 1GB of sub-files ] doesnt appear at all now even in "corrupted and inaccessible" form.

    Seagate offered a very expensive data recovery of up to $2400 but also recommended Recuva....so I did a deep Recuva scan and my missing file with sub-files does not even show up let alone be recoverable.

    The 1GB file has to actually be there as it is shown as used capacity on the drive as Windows "Properties" for the 2TB ExHD is 1.2 GB.... but only 0.2 GB of small files is accessible.

    ..the issue is how to access the missing file.....

    I guess I need advice as to how to use Recova for this purpose.

    Thanks in anticipation.

  2. Hi all...


    I just opened a ticket wrt technical issues recovering files/directories, and I thought I'd start a topic here, in case anybody knows any tricks.


    Here's what I said on the ticket:








    We had a problem with our mini-NAS: We had a Seagate Goflex 1TB drive (NTFS) that had been created and running under Windows 7 for several months, which we connected to a new Linksys E4200V2 via USB. Apparently we had several power glitches while running in this configuration, and the router lost a bunch of directory updates it was holding in memory (my best guess at this point). We might have lost some files too, but most of them appear to have been written to disk. We managed to recover a number of "undeleted" files using with their directory structure intact Recuva (free), but there are a bunch of other files we haven't found.


    We bought the business version in the hopes that we could get some help using it that would speed up the process, as I've never used the product before and we're in time-critical mode.


    I started a deep scan (which says it will take many hours), but I still don't know enough about the product to know the fastest way to retrieve the right files once I have the scan results, and I'm guessing there's going to be a lot to search through. Also, is there something I can do that would be faster than a deep scan? Will we be able to recover subdirectories that were saved but the higher-level directory wasn't (assuming the E4200 did this)?


    We're a photography studio, and our process involves creating a new directory for each customer and filling it with photos (copied from the camera flash card), then running a product called ProSelect to create an album and let customers select their favorites and order products. Our orders are currently maintained manually on paper, using filenames of photos. When we run a deep scan, I'm guessing we're not going to get filenames (I've already recovered everything I could without a deep scan), but ProSelect saves low-res copies and filenames of the original images in its albums, so I'm hoping we can reconstruct the directory structure by comparing jpeg's with thumbs.


    Albums are saved with an extension of .psa, supposedly "compressed", so I doubt that Recuva would be able to identify the type, but most of the unidentified file types will probably be lost albums. Is there some way I can search through the results for unidentified file types only? Some way to search by other
    things, such as the last update date?


    I don't know what the turnaround time on tickets is, but I've got to go buy an UPS, I'll be checking back in perhaps an hour or 2.






    Does anybody know any tricks that would help?




    I had a similar problem.....purchased a new 3TB Seagate External HD...transferred 1.2 GB of data......shortly afterwards started to get "corrupted file"

    messages and had difficulty in accessing data...now even though uner Properties the usage is shown as 1.2 GB only a small amout of data is available

    and my largest file of 1GB doesnt appear at all now even in "corrupted and inaccessible" form.

    I did a deep Recuva scan and only a small amount of data was recoverd.

    The 1GB file has to be there as its shown as used capacity...the issue is how to access it......I need advice as to how to use Recova for this purpose.

    Thanks in anticipation.

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