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Posts posted by IgorX

  1. For now, as a stopgap, please tell your users to analyze and exclude your settings files.. on the analyze if you double click the word "cookies" in the analysis you should be able to see details.

    I saw that possibility in CCleaner for Windows, but on Mac I can't double click "cookies". I'm not a Mac user, so I might be overlooking something. :)


    I'll attempt to get ahold of a mac and attempt it, can you PM me with your extension in case I can.

    My extension in question is "Block Yourself from Analytics". Some of the more popular extensions that use localStorage: GMail Counter, My eBay Manager, WOT, Firebug Lite for Safari.




    just to update you, the devs have seen this thread and are embarking on a fix post haste for a near future version

    Good to know, thanks.

  2. Yes, Local Storage is erased by selecting Safari > Cookies section. But CCleaner shows only ordinary cookies in Options > Cookies, I can't exclude local storage data from there.


    Safari is keeping extension localStorage in "safari-extension_{extension-id}" domains, it should be relatively easy for CCleaner to exclude extension data when erasing local storage. When I use "Reset Safari" option (in Safari) it deletes localStorage from other websites but not from extensions, that's the behavior I would expect from CCleaner as well.



  3. I have written couple of extension for Safari, and about a month ago some users started reporting sudden extension data loss. Today I discovered that you software is erasing localStorage data which I'm using to store extension settings.


    Considering that this is not some temporary unimportant data can you please not delete this data or at least warn users about possible outcome of such operation?

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