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Posts posted by jbs

  1. I might be mistaken but I think in some cases the files being recovered are themselves longer than the 255 characters. I know that normally shouldn't be possible (which is why I caveat that I might be wrong) but I know for example that TeraCopy will occasionally fail to copy something because of the >255 limit and I'll switch over to FreeFileSync and it will handle it fine. I'm not familiar enough with the rules and any exceptions to know why that might be, I just know it is.


    Next time it comes up I'll certainly try the trick of restoring to c:\r\ and see if that works, but can anyone confirm that certain file systems may already have more than 255 characters in the path/name?

  2. I believe that the fix is to (at least temporaraly while recovering the offending items) turn of the option to "restore folder structure"


    Thanks for the reply. I know that would technically resolve it, but at the expense of dumping perhaps 200,000 files in one folder :-)The problem is that Recuva doesn't tell me which are the offending files and allow me to just select those for a restore without folder structure. It's all or nothing, or else going page by page through thousands of pages trying to uncheck the long files.


    If I'm misunderstanding the workaround I apologize and would love to know more. Thanks again for the reply



  3. The issue has been mentioned elsewhere, but not a specific suggestion for a fix as far as I can tell. Recuva is the best program I've used for file recovery but occasionally a drive I use it on has one or more absurdly long file names and leads to the "Max Path Length Exceeded" error.


    It would be WONDERFUL if Recuva could offer any one (or more) of the following solutions when that message is generated. I've listed them in descending order of attractiveness imho:

    1. automatically rename the file to make it path compliant
    2. allow me to rename the recovered file to comlply with the path length
    3. filter the list to show the files which are causing the error, allowing me to rename them manually
    4. filter the list to show the files which are causing the error, allowing me to unselect them but still know what they are
    5. automatically unselect them and proceed with the recovery

    As it is, for restores tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of files, navigating through to find which ones are causing the problem is not always possible. Any recommendations on how to work around this would be greatly appreciated!T


    Thanks for an AMAZING piece of software!!!

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