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Posts posted by blackhawk20

  1. Sounds to me that you are talking about the Recent Documents, well CCleaner does clean them.

    Look Here->Recent-CCleaner


    Yes, that is what I click, and on XP Home 2002 it also clears the run box. While CCleaner does clear my recent documents, it doesn't clear my run box. So maybe an update can be made so that this will work with Windows XP Home Edition 2002?

  2. clears the Most Frequently Used Programs List but (for me, in Win XP SP2) does not seem to clear the Run box.


    JDPower is correct ... CCleaner will clear the Run box if you select Run (in start menu), but the operation takes effect upon reboot. I think that's what shpongler meant by but I'm not sure why he mentions explorer.exe specifically.


    By the way, if you don't like the Most Frequently Used Programs List, consider either not allowing some programs to list, or disabling the list entirely and assigning the space to the Pinned list.



    I probably should have mentioned that I'm using Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 2002(non-upgraded). So I'm right about what I'm talking about and you guys are right about what you are talking about. I have no problem with the most requently used programs list and I don't clear that, only my run box(which is done the way I mentioned, for some reason people are missing the piece of info where I mention the advanced tab :rolleyes: ).

  3. explorer.exe has to reboot to clear the runbox.


    i invented a batfile to let Ccleaner automatically clean your system, and even clear the runbox:

    just save this text as cclean.bat or something like that & run it:

    @echo off

    echo Ccleaner will start deleting the crap on your system.


    echo Within a moment, explorer will reboot to clean the run box...

    cd c:\

    cd program files

    cd CCleaner

    ccleaner.exe /AUTO

    echo Just a couple of seconds to go...

    taskkill /f /im explorer.exe


    start explorer.exe

    echo Explorer has restarted, and the crap has been removed!

    echo Ccleaner will close now...




    Good effort, but all that bat file does for me is open up My documents(doesn't clear my run box). Looks like I'm stuck with doing it the right-click on start menu way.

  4. It does clean the run box. Just tick the box 'Run (in start menu)' in the Windows Explorer section. Although what you described clears the recent documents list, which CCleaner also clears (Recent Documents tickbox under Windows Explorer)



    :/ Oh really now, wanna do me a favor then? In Windows XP, click start>run then type something in and hit enter, then do that a few more times. Then open up ccleaner and(with that box checked, I have all but the last section checked and the latest version) do your cleaning. Then open up your run box and tell me what you see.

    And the method I listed, doesn't just clear the recent documents, it also clears the run box.

  5. I use CCleaner every day, and I love it, but the thing just isn't currently capable of clearing all history on the computer. I am suggesting an added feature, to clear the run box. This would make things a bit easier than the current ways to clear the box(logging off/restarting, right-clicking the start button and going into properties>customize>advanced>clear list).

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