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Posts posted by loveranger

  1. What I am trying to do is wipe the entire drive.

    I am selling the computer and I want to delete all my private info.

    Can I not wipe the entire C drive safely with CCleaner?


    And btw, loveranger, please don't suggest Eraser again. I tried it. It stinks.

    If you think Eraser stinks, then you shouldn't even try CCleaner. I'm sure you never used it correctly.

    1-pass (Pse), cluster tips enabled, run as administrator - it should do the job. It will take awhile though.

  2. People need to realize the free wipe offered by CCleaner is weak and doesn't entirely wipe the drive clean. I've used CCleaner to wipe my hard drive and then used Recuva to recover files, and there was enormous amount of files that were still recoverable. And yes, I ran the program using administrator priviledge.


    I'm going to use Eraser and see the difference with Recuva.

  3. Normal file deletion is just the same as a shift/del. No data is changed or overwritten and the file name remains untouched. Secure deletion renames the file and overwrites it with whatever option is chosen. One pass is all you need. Why offer more passes? Public demand I guess, and there's no accounting for that.

    Well if your doing some serious illegal {THINGS}, then it's just a peace of mind to use more than 1-pass.

  4. loveranger you have had an answer to the question you posted.


    Please don't try to further the point or I will close this thread..


    Members have tried to be helpful here

    I just wanted to be clear on what he posted earlier. Is it based on assumption or facts? Please don't mislead others with false information based on what you "believe".

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