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Posts posted by P3T320r2

  1. Hey all,

    Just got a new Laptop, win 7 x64, going through the the things you do to a new pc.

    Installed Office, Adobe collection (CS3), Itunes (x64), google chrome, then ccleaner.

    I ran the file cleaner, then the registry cleaner after I had installed everything and when I rebooted, nothing worked (with the exception of office). Now, I have used ccleaner on my other 4 system for as long as I remember (which isn't long, I'm 17) and I've never had a problem, therefor I was lulled into believing that I didn't need to backup registry changes (I'm OCD to the max when it comes to disk usage). Adobe products crash, Itunes complains about some assistant not working, chrome simply refuses to start, no error. Office took a while on the first run of word, but now seems to run like normal. Something bad has happened and I do not have backups. I system restored to before the clean, but nothing is fixed. When I ran a second scan (taking no action this time) I noticed some registry entries pertaining to .Net 1.1 files being missing. This is the only thing I can think of that connects all these programs. Re-installing did not fix any of the programs, Itunes just fails a different way and chrome refuses to even uninstall. Please advise, additional details and logs are available upon request.


    Peter B

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