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Posts posted by joe1264

  1. The old registry backups MAY be worth keeping for a bit, but I doubt it.


    If you understood which backup affected what application then a problem with that application could be cured by using the relevant backup.

    e.g. If CCleaner Registry fixing had crippled version 3.08 so it could not be updated, restoring the backup would solve the problem ! !

    In this particular instance I trust CCleaner to know itself and its needs well enough that it would not cripple itself,

    but some odd-ball applications may make abnormal use of the registry which invites any registry cleaner to decide a key is redundant.


    I suggest you leave 3.08 as is for now.

    It is possible a future version may incorporate a feature to cleanly unhook the old 3.08 and replace it with the latest.


    It is possible the Revo made a mistake,

    especially if you have a 64 bit machine and used the Free RevoUninstaller which is good for 32 bits.

    I believe you need the Pro version for 64 bit.

    It is possible that you have bits of v3.08 still present in C:\Program Files\CCleaner\

    and just deleting everything in there could cure the problem,


    there may be hidden/system files that need extra effort before you can see them,

    and you may need high powered tools to forcible evict them.

    I cannot safely guide you on their use - it is too easy to break the computer.


    Similarly a installed CCleaner registry key may be frozen solid due to anything (especially M.S. Security Patches),

    and high powered registry tools can seek-n-destroy what you aim at,

    but again I cannot safely guide you on their use,

    in the hands of a novice it is like "Mutual Assured Destruction".


    I will leave it for bolder spirits to advise you on what tools could be of use and how to use them.



    Thanks Alan for all your help.I only have 32bit vista premium.Now I have 3.09 on portable, I will leave 3.08 on just in case I should need to redo backups taken on it. :)
  2. You should not have SIX things on your desktop.


    The download is a solitary file with the name "ccsetup309.zip"

    The first thing to do is copy it to your Flash Stick.

    Then you unzip it onto your Flash.


    Below is exactly what I see when I perform DIR after copying to location E:\Unzip\CCleaner.

    Volume in drive E is E_GPT_E
    Volume Serial Number is C044-40A5
    Directory of E:\Unzip\CCleaner
    10/08/2011  09:25    <DIR>          .
    10/08/2011  09:25    <DIR>          ..
    25/07/2011  13:59         2,585,408 CCleaner.exe
    25/07/2011  13:59         4,389,696 CCleaner64.exe
    10/08/2011  09:23         3,164,995 ccsetup309.zip
    10/08/2011  09:25    <DIR>          lang
    21/07/2010  09:42             5,788 License.txt
    26/11/2009  14:02                10 portable.dat
                  5 File(s)     10,145,897 bytes
                  3 Dir(s)  271,994,052,608 bytes free

    You can delete the "lang" directory if you do not need foreign languages.


    License.txt is the legal agreement but has no cleaning function.

    You only need "portable.dat" and one of the two *.exe files,

    CCleaner.exe for a 32 bit machine

    CCleaner64.exe for a 64 bit machine


    Just double click the relevant *.EXE and it should run.

    Morning Alan, thanks for reply. What I have done is moved ALL 6 desktop icons to documents, and put them in a new folder cc3.09.deleted desktop icons, and ran 3.09 from new folder.ok. ran cleaner first, no problems, fixed All.Then ran registry cleaner, 7 items, fixed them all.Saved 7 items to new folder in documents.ok.I always fix ALL. Probably shouldn,t, but I rely on cc knowing it,s job.I certainly don,t know the items found.NOW. HOW do I get ?.08 off my pc. And what about old back ups, delete or save?? Is it OK to run from document file instead of flash??
  3. Thanks Alan, much appreciated.I will try the portable version and try on a flash stick.Not sure how to unzip a file though.BUt, I still cannot remove the existing 3.08 version on my system, and what about all my regisrty backup files I have saved.? If you would oblige me and talk me through , I would be most grateful.

    UPDATE; I have downloaded portable version, which included 64bit version, and opened file, and saved to desktop.There are 6 pieces of data/files.can run from desktop.No idea how to get to Flash or separate file.I,m afraid this probably is getting a bit too complicated for it,s own good.Unless I can use it simply, as before, then I don,t think it,s worth all the hassle of having it;All this just because piri told me a new version was available, and do I want it.Couldn,t believe such a small thing could be so complicated, a simple update.
  4. No way is it a sandbox affair.

    That would imply you could change you mind afterwards,

    like the childhood prayer after breaking a window - "Please God make it didn't happen"


    Portable means that it is NOT installed and does not utilise the registry.

    I NEVER install software if there is a Portable version.

    Portable software NEVER sticks to the system - you simply delete the single folder that holds it and it is ALL GONE,

    then you can update/upgrade/replace and there are never any remnants stuck in the system to interfere.


    If Installed CCleaner has got something stuck (typically due to Windows self-corrupting access permissions),

    you may have difficulty updating with the installed version,

    but the Portable version just needs its own folder and it will be happy.

    To cover all bets, unzip it to a different folder or partition, or onto a flash drive.

    Thanks Alan, much appreciated.I will try the portable version and try on a flash stick.Not sure how to unzip a file though.BUt, I still cannot remove the existing 3.08 version on my system, and what about all my regisrty backup files I have saved.? If you would oblige me and talk me through , I would be most grateful.
  5. Fwiw, I just uninstalled ccleaner, made a folder called cc-309port and unzipped the portable into it.

    Unchecked a few boxes then analyzed and "cleaned" some stuff.

    Checked the registry before and after, no entries made except some mru entries.

    So the portable version won't gum up your registry and it's easy to uninstall, just delete the folder.


    Just saying, in case you really want to try ver 309.


    Wait a bit if you like, because if I misstated something other members will correct me.


    Seems like windows installations are like fingerprints, no two the same. :)

    Hi, I have tried 3.09 again, Nogo, had to abort, resulting in another wind back to restore point with 3.08 on.Tried removing 3.08, nogo, same problem as 3.09, certain files missing, .So stuck with 3.08.+ now having AV trouble, windows Security centre not picking Avast/malwarebytes up. First time ever.Without restoring back to when I first put cc on , I,m stuck with 3.08. it,s even refusing to do restore points, had to abort several attempts.Either I have something on my pc ,or, cc has been corrupted all along.I,m going to do a Hijack this, see if anything can be found.

    Even revo half way through uninstalling 3.08 said "running the application uninstaller failed.Possible invalid uninstal command" Rather in a quandry at present what to do, apart from complete complete OS re-instal, which will be last resort.Will keep trying, any more advice would be grateful.Cheers.Until I can remove 30.8, I,ll defer on portable, but thanks for reply, much appreciated

  6. Joe, I don't know what to tell you. Ver. 309 installs fine here.


    Until something changes, you could just run the portable version of 309 from here: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds.


    You can just extract it to a folder you create and run it, no need to uninstall 3.08 if it is working ok for you.


    Be careful though, all the cleaner and registry cleaner options were already checked when I unzipped it here just now. You might want to evaluate those before using them.


    Post back how it goes. :)

    Hi,Login, Thanks for reply.Someone else advocated portable, something I,m not familiar with, presume it,s like a sandbox affair.Guess I wll wait aweek or two and retry downloading 3.09 again.I will post results back when I do so.Cheers and thanks for your help.I,ll consider portable if next attempt fails. :)
  7. Also Joe did you install it to a user account or admin acount?

    Hi, User account, mine as I am administrator, although I know that some it may have to be run as admin, had no reason to doso, the damage was done on the update.It obviously had installed because I was able to use it, but some files ,including uninstal mast have been missing.How it didn,t show in programs installed in control panel, and also not shown as on the pc with revo , has me puzzled; That,s pc,s though, wouldn,t do if it all went smooth would it.Thanks for reply
  8. Hi, Joe1264.

    That does seem to be a bug, been reported more than once. I can't duplicate it here, using wxp home.

    What OS are you using?

    The developers read all these posts, they'll see this.

    Hi, Thanks for reply.The only way I resloved the problem was to use a restore point before the download.The uninstaller download was also corrupted.Back to previous version.3.08.I am using vista premium, avast av, malwarebytes/spybots/d.I just allowed the cc to update itself to 3.09 , but what a performance to cure it, or, get rid of it.Others I have blogged have had no problems, so I thought it clashed with something on my pc, but, had no trouble doing the same thing before.I was tempted to try again today, but am dubiuos until I know it,s cured.Thought it may be best to uninstal 3.08 completely before trying 3.09, who,s to say 3.08 isn,t corrupted, and clahed with 3.09? As others have had the same problem , it signifies to me software problem clashing with certain other programs? I didn,t run as admin as it was just an update.Also didn,t when I tried again downloading direct from.piri and filehippo, same problem occurred.Can try again if you advise best way to do it;? I like everything up to date.
  9. At first I thought it was a corrupted file, but then I downloaded it 3 times from 3 different links on Filehippo.com, then I downloaded it 3 times from 3 different links (2 links failed, the "in case it doesn't work, click here") from Piriform.com - All have the same results. It goes through the Agreement Policy, then the selection of features you want installed, then finally to the installation bar - in which it completely refuses to pass the first step - it sticks at "Please wait, installing CCleaner..." and it stays there forever. I've tried leaving it there for 20minute straight, for up to 3 different downloaded files, from both FireFox and Google Chrome (in case for some reason the browser was corrupting the file). So, I'm still on 3.08 and it will not let me install it, no matter what... Please help!!

    Hi, I,m a newbie and have had exactly the same problem all morning.finally it did instal, but it is not in my add/remove programs.6 times, each 15 minutes sitting there waiting for it to finish, never did.I stopped it each time with on/off button.even revo, uninstal, cannot locate the new version, even though it,s on.I don,t know whether to remove and start again ,or leave it?

  10. Hi, I am a newbie to this site, so be gentle.I had trouble updating my 3.08 to 3.09. It was just not finishing, so aborted several times.However, It had successfully downloaded and works fine, but for some reason has not registered in add/remove programs in control panel.revo-uninstaller also could not detect it. Any advice why would be appreciated.Also, and this is my main question. I now have several backup files from when I cleaned the registry.Is it safe to delete all but the latest, and whats the best and safest way to do it?

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