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Posts posted by SchlauFuchs

  1. Hi,


    I just tested it and Defraggler has still this annoying issue:  'Defrag Free Space' causes fragmentation - and I do not mean the second option that says "allow fragmentation". I defragmented all fragmented files on a drive (on the second tab, "File List"). Then I run an analysis and the drive was shown fragmentation free. Then I run 'Defrag free space' and the analysis thereafter shows 418 fragments on 135 files. I guarantee that the drive was idle otherwise, i.e. the only app that uses this drive was turned off. 


    I noticed this bug since ever (read: about since 2008) which is the main reason I haven't bought the product yet. Please, please, PLEASE look into that now.


    Before you ask, VSS is disabled for this drive. This just should not happen.


    System: Latest Win10 64bit.

  2. Hi Alan,


    I could more or less follow your description (it was missing the piece that I need to set the advanced options to save to an ini file, and where actually the ini file is stored to.)


    I was anyway not able to trigger the deletion I wanted. This what is there and in bold what should be removed:






    but I don't want to name all of our modules in CCLeaner, that why I want it to scan the complete C:\Java\.m2\repository folder and delete every folder ending with -SNAPSHOT.




  3. Is this a wise thing to do ?


    100%. The local repository on my computer grows with each snapshot release of any library that we're working on at my workplace. That is more than a GB each month of a lot of files I don't have any interest in after all. Each time a colleague is publishing his piece of work a library gets created and all projects depending on that are published as well. Long story short: I don't need most of them in future, and the ones I might need can easily be retrieved again from our central repository.




  4. Hi,


    I would love to use CCleaner to remove old snapshots from my Maven repository. I tried to set that up in the Include section but that fails with the message "For system safety reasons you cannot select this specific location."


    This was what I tried:

    Include: Drive or Folder: "C:\Java\.m2\repository\"

    File Types: Filetypes "*-SNAPSHOT"

    Options: Include files, subfolders and the folder itself.


    I expected this to scan this folder and its subfolders for anything (that means including folders) ending with *-SNAPSHOT and then deleting it. If there is a better way to configure that, please tell me.




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