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Posts posted by anibal191270

  1. Excuse, I am Hispanic and I do not know the language perfectly English.


    It happens that in certain opportunity I installed Internet Explorer 7 beta 2 in my computer, soon it had necessity to uninstall it and I did not find any form to uninstall it.

    The culprit would be CCleaner? That I must not mark to avoid this, desire that does not disappear the Uninstall of any software.


    Also it happens to me, I believe that by CCleaner, that I installed Microsoft Office 2003 and after making maintenance to him to the PC (part of the maintenance has to do with CCleaner), I am going to open Microsoft Word and it requests the CD to me of Microsoft Office 2003 - this bothers to me.

    That I must not mark to avoid this?


    Thanks beforehand.


    Perd?n, soy hispano y no conozco perfectamente el idioma ingl?s.


    Sucede que en cierta oportunidad instal? Internet Explorer 7 beta 2 en mi computador, luego ten?a necesidad de desinstalarlo y no encontr? ninguna forma de desinstalarlo.

    El culpable ser?a CCleaner? Que debo no marcar para evitar esto, deseo que no desaparezca el desinstalador de ning?n software.


    Tambi?n me ocurre, creo que por CCleaner, que instal? Microsoft Office 2003 y despu?s de realizarle mantenimiento al PC (parte del mantenimiento tiene que ver con CCleaner), voy a abrir Microsoft Word y me pide el CD de Microsoft Office 2003 - esto me molesta.

    Que debo no marcar para evitar esto?


    Gracias de antemano.

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