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Posts posted by Rapture

  1. I just wanted to make note that I resolved this.


    As it turns out, I had a massive failure for reading comprehension. I tried adding this inclusion rule into the actual ccleaner.ini file instead of either creating my own or inputting it as a custom into the winapp2.ini file.


    All is well, and it works! thanks again.

  2. Thanks again!


    I do have bad new though, this does not wish to work either.


    Also, I should have picked up on that space too, easy mistake.


    I tried doing the following

    Include1=PATH|%ProgramFiles%\Summit\Mt Everest\201*|*.*|REMOVESELF

    However, the program is seeing "201*" as an actual folder name. I tried the '%' wildcard (so ..\201%|*.*), but didn't take either.


    Any thoughts here? It seems to refuse accepting any wildcards for the folder name.


    I'm going to try without the file wildcard extension and see what happens. <--- Did not work


    Again, your help on this is hugely appreciated!

  3. Thanks so much for the super fast reply!


    I gave it a shot but it didn't seem to work. Is there an addition I need to include? (Such as is used in your winapp2.ini file)



    [Anki Backups*]


    When I input the string you provided, I had checked the inclusion file list in CCleaner and nothing was present. I ran it anyway and the folders remain.


    Any thoughts on where I'm going wrong?

  4. Hello Guys,


    I tried doing some searching about the forums and through the Winapp2.ini thread, but I didn't find anything too relevant (or I'm just doing it wrong) to my issue at hand.


    I got quite excited to see the new feature in place and was all ready to use it when I realized... I had no idea how to use it.


    I have folders that generate when I use a program which fills with miscellaneous information becoming obsolete after the day is done. The folders themselves are named with a time stamp; so for example... c:\program files\summit\ mt everest\20110805_12_32AM.


    These files vary by nature, making it difficult to have all inclusive lists. The folders and the data they contain need to be deleted; and I would simply change their destination path to another subfolder if I could (c:\program files\summit\ mt everest\DEL\20110805_12_32AM) but this is not doable. I also cannot simply clear the mt everest folder out itself as that does still contain data required.


    Is there a way to now include these varying changes?


    I've tried adding to my .ini file the following:

    FileKey1=%Program Files%\Summit\Mt Everest\201*|RECURSE

    The idea was to have CCleaner delete any folders and their contents which begin with the "201" name.


    I don't think I completely understand though what else I need to do. I'm not a scripting guy by nature. I know in some instances the '*' wildcard needs to be replaced with '%' but this produces no results either.


    If anyone could help me out, I would be greatly appreciative!

  5. Found a solution to my problem.


    I was having issues doing this due to coming into a network environment that was very mature and well, foreign to me. Here's what I did for anyone looking...


    First of all, PSExec made this job super simple. It's also required to use this particular solution.


    What I wanted to do was keep a single copy of Defraggler on my network share (easier to upgrade), I also used the portable version for the INI file features. I also wanted to keep my files centralized on a server for myself and my colleagues to view and edit. These, along with psexec, is kept on our DC server (just out of choice, not out of requirement).


    Once you have psexec on a server and defraggler on a network location, you'll need an account that can be used for all the machines you want this to run on (and schedule/ run the job). ***DOUBLE CHECK FILE PERMISSIONS AND RIGHTS*** -- This is required for your account to not only access the remote machines, but also to point back to the defraggler on the network drives.


    Now it's time to create your folders. I kept all my work in a folder on my root of C: on my server, and it's here I tossed my text and batch files. If you have several hundred machines to do, you'll want to create a text file listing them. Get a list with the network names (you can alternatively do this by IP range) together. Now for your batch file, here's the meat of what you need...


    cd c:\<Directory with pstools>
    psexec @c:\<Directory>\<File containing computer names> -u <account> -p <passw> schtasks /create /sc <daily/weekly/etc> /d <day, if used> /st <time - military> /tn <task name> /tr "<net drive>"\<Directory with defraggler>\df.exe c:" /ru <domain account> /rp "<domain account passw>


    The first set of the account is who created the account, you'll need admin privileges for the task to be run. The second account will be who the account runs under. This account will also require admin privileges as well as access to your network drive containing defraggler. I used the same account in both fields.


    The first line on the batch file obviously redirects your path to the directory containing psexec. psexec will not run unless it's from the proper directory (go figure?). The second line (all one line) activates psexec and tells it to use the specified path to where your text file containing your computer names resides (again, you can instead run an IP range, google it to find out how to do that). It then uses the provided account to access those machines remotely. By nature, psexec only works within the c:\windows\system32\ file, again, research it if you need other tasks done, but for our purposes, scheduled tasks are here. It now will use the schtasks commands to apply the task to each machine one at a time. If you have issues with your path of defraggler, keep in mind the quotation marks as they do have a significance when pathing the program. It finally uses the last account to actually run the program, and this is very important since it must have both admin privileges on the machines, as well as network access.


    For me, it was a requirement to offset when the machines begin their defrag (since we use a pure virtual environment), thus scheduling was required. Also, if you simply run defraggler through psexec to all the machines, it will only run it one by one and not move on until the defrag is complete on EACH machine! thus, it is advisable to keep your computer list small, even for scheduling defrag times (rule of thumb being approx. <50). This is easy to do as well if you have the same requirements of offsetting times, since you simply assign the small text documents to each batch file for it's specific time frame.


    Finally, you can add whatever else you need to the batch files. I like to keep mine open and not force close once completed so I can see if the task failed to deploy. You can have this dump to a file if you wish, whatever!


    Also, you'll want a batch to remove the tasks should you need to make a change. You won't want to go and remove a screwed up task from 50 machines or more individually!


    As a side note, I also use this for ccleaner. You can create an exclusion/inclusion list to remove old task jobs if you want. I automate ccleaner through group policy however, set to run upon login. For redundancy, I have a task to run ccleaner should a machine not see use in some time.


    Hope this helps anyone else out there looking for a network solution with a great product!

  6. Hey guys,


    I'm in need of some help. I need to get Defraggler running on multiple machines at certain times using a batch file. I've got defraggler accessible on a network share (easier to upgrade) and I need to run a batch that runs df.exe after hours.


    What I want to do is create a few batch files that will run all the batch files within a folder (that folder would contain the info for the individual machines needed to be run at that time). I can just schedule the few main batch files on a domain server (ideally).


    I'm not really sure how else to make this happen, or if it's even the best approach. I know I could make this all work with MS defrag utility, but I'd rather forgo that for defraggler.


    Any help guys?

  7. Hey all,


    Just wanted to start my first ever post saying great products! Now down to business...


    I'm looking to run Defraggler in a small business setting but I have an issue, or rather a lack of knowledge concerning the program in this regard. I need to distribute either a task or a batch file that runs the program (through GPO preferred) from a central location. Problem is, I'm not sure how credentials work in regards to df.exe. I need to run the df.exe version, but I need this to happen whenever a user signs on. Problem is, I can't seem to verify this is actually happening. When I test it, I can create a task (as myself, also logged into the machine) and create the task manually, but if I use a global admin account credential, the task seems to fail to run! Even using local system credentials, nothing seems to happen. The CMD prompt window pops up and collapses just as fast as it came.


    Can someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong and how I might resolve this? The end goal is to have df.exe stored on a network shared drive (so I can easily do updates), and have the program run on startup (through GPO in this case). Option B would be to be able to send out a mass scheduled task and have it run at a certain time regardless of user logins (which is the point). I would rather that option since it's a controlled time with which I can manage it, but I could never get the credentials to stick or work properly with either defraggler or ccleaner.


    Any help in this regard would be much obliged! p.s. - I've used the search feature extensively, but I'm human and subject to just plain or obvious oversight. I've been beating my head against this for a couple of days now, so a fresh set of experienced eyes would be amazing.


    Thank you again!!!

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